Blog Articles Pregnancy

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Continues to Increase Due to Carelessness

June 27, 2014

London, England – The number of fetal alcohol syndrome cases has dramatically increased. This means that more and more pregnant women have been taking up more than the normal amount of alcohol. This could be alarming because more children will need urgent care even at an early stage. There are abnormalities passed on to the

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Smoking and Obesity in Pregnancy Lead to Obesity for the Child

June 25, 2014

New York City, New York – New research says that a woman who is smoking and is overweight during pregnancy could have a child that is obese. The researchers have studied different obese children under the age of 18. They all found out that obesity at this age could be rooted from their exposure to

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Pregnancy Tests Will Be Handed Out on 20 Bars in Alaska

June 22, 2014

Pregnancy tests will be available for free at 20 different bars in Alaska, United States. This is still in accordance to the goal of the government to prevent pregnant women from drinking. It is no longer the responsibility of urgent care clinics to discipline their patients so the state will take over. This could be

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States in the US Made Pregnancy Drug Use Illegal

June 12, 2014

In some parts of the USA, drug use while going through pregnancy has been declared illegal, but the question is who else will be following this law? The reason behind the implementation of this law is because of Regina McKnight, who was convicted in 2001 for homicide. McKnight took crack cocaine while she was pregnant,

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What to Keep in Mind During Pregnancy

June 2, 2014

Pregnancy is a very challenging period for women. The changes in the body that a woman goes through are very tough that a lot of first-time mothers are often scared of what they are feeling and seeing. Not only is it physically draining, it is emotionally tough as well. Most of the time, even if

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closeup photography of pregnant woman wearing blue panty

Obesity During Pregnancy Can Cause Serious Heart Issues

May 31, 2014

Studies show that women who experience obesity during pregnancy are most likely to catch serious heart diseases. Groups of women were asked and were tested during pregnancy. One group is made up of fit women while the other is composed of obese ones. This study was done for more than a decade. The doctors wanted

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Iodine Could Easily Be the Ultimate Secret to a Bright Baby

May 29, 2014

Experts are now highly encouraging expectant mothers to take iodine. New studies say that it could still be efficient in the brain development even during the first few months of the unborn child. There has been a drop in the iodine intake of US citizens in the last decade. The public has been relying on

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Music for Pregnancy Is Proven to Increase Stimulus for Women

May 24, 2014

New study shows that music for pregnancy can create a better reaction time for the mothers who are expecting a baby. It is all set and clear that music is not just for those who want to hear quality sound with lyrics. The Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, an institute in

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