Symptoms of Allergies

  • Symptoms:
    • Include itching, rash, swelling of throat or eyes, stuffy nose and sneezing, breathing problems
  • Importance of diagnosis:
    • Can worsen with continued exposure or become life threatening
  • Treatment:
    • Often with medications to reduce reaction, avoidance of cause, may need additional care
  • There are many different environmental allergens depending on the area or region of the country you live in and other exposures in your daily routine. Urgent care centers are equipped to diagnose and treat allergic-type symptoms in most cases and can keep you out of larger medical facilities with sicker patients. Read on to learn more about allergies and what you can do to feel better.

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Types of allergens:

Allergies are more prevalent during the spring months as the trees and flowers begin to blossom (they look beautiful!) but can be a nuisance if you are susceptible.  Many people do not know that allergies are common during fall months as well. The fall allergies are most prevalent starting late in August and can extend all the way through October. The key to effectively treating symptoms is first finding out the cause.


Approximately 75 percent of patients who suffer allergic-type symptoms in the spring will also have the same symptoms in the fall. The pollen from ragweed can travel through the air for miles, so even if you don’t live in an area with a lot of trees, it’s still possible to develop symptoms.

Ragweed starts to develop in late summer or early September when night-time temperatures start to drop. People who suffer from a ragweed allergy may also have sensitivities to certain fruits, like melon and zucchini.


Dust is another offender that can make life unbearable. Dust mites can be found in carpeted areas and inside dirty air filters in your furnace. Even the air ducts of your HVAC can be dusty, which means once you turn on your heat, dust mites will circulate throughout your home, causing coughing, sneezing and watery eyes.


Mold is another fall allergy trigger that is found in more places than your bathroom or basement. Mold can also grow outside in damp areas, like in piles of damp leaves. Mold spores can then travel through the air and cause symptoms.

Allergy Symptoms

Fall allergies affect people differently. Some people experience watery eyes and an itchy throat. Other people may develop shortness of breath, chest tightness and wheezing and need immediate medical attention.

Patients who have underlying medical conditions, like asthma or other respiratory illnesses, are at higher risk for exacerbation. They may find themselves needing to use their inhalers more often and even possibly need to increase oxygen flow, if it is used.

How to Treat

Finding relief during an allergic attack requires prompt attention. In addition to at-home remedies, like keeping the windows closed, vacuuming carpeting daily and keeping HVAC vents and filters clean, allergy sufferers may also need medicinal support.

Urgent care centers offer patients a variety of treatments to reduce their symptoms. Saline nasal rinses, inhaled nasal sprays, allergy eye drops, allergy tablets, and even bronchial inhalers can make allergy season a little more tolerable.

The Takeaway

As unpleasant as allergy symptoms are, there are things you can do to reduce your symptoms. If you develop symptoms that don’t respond to over-the-counter remedies, an urgent care visit may be just what the doctor ordered to get back to your best self.