Blog Articles Health Services

How Telemedicine Services Can Treat Rashes and Skin Infections

April 25, 2016

The appearance of a rash can be a simple allergic reaction to a substance the skin has come in contact with and will not require medical treatment, but a rash can also be a sign of a condition that requires seeing a doctor. Some rashes are mild and barely noticeable while others can be extensive

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How Telemedicine Services Can Treat Pink Eye

April 25, 2016

When you have little ones it may appear like a revolving door at the doctor’s office as kids are constantly fighting off one illness after the other in those primary school years it seems. And taking a sick child to a crowded doctor’s office waiting room filled with other sick children is no picnic for

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How Telemedicine Services Can Treat a Cold

April 25, 2016

Having a cold may sound trivial in the spectrum of illness, but a cold can be a life interrupting illness all the same and when it knocks you off your feet it can be difficult to know if it’s just a cold or something more serious such as influenza. A simple cold can make you

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How Do I Use a Telemedicine Service?

April 25, 2016

There are a number of online video chat doctor consultation services dotting the healthcare landscape these days, and though their price structures may vary somewhat most provide their services in the same basic way. The doctors are all state licensed practitioners and typically U.S. board certified so you will be seeing an actual physician. Below

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How Telemedicine Services Can Treat a Sinus Infection

April 25, 2016

A sinus infection is typically not a serious medical condition, but if left untreated it can lead to a more serious infection causing complications. Most people often just suffer through them because it doesn’t seem worthy of a long wait at the doctor’s office or clinic filled with people who may be suffering from other

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What is Impetigo and Who Gets It?

September 22, 2015

Anyone can get impetigo as it is very contagious, but pre-school and school age children are most likely to contract this superficial skin infection. Impetigo is indicated by red blister like sores that appear on the body, typically on the face around the mouth and nose, neck, arms, legs, and on hands. In small children

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Avoid a Consult with Dr. Google

May 3, 2015

For most people, waking up with a sore throat prompts a trip to the medicine cabinet or drugstore for some lozenges or daytime cold medicine. People deal with minor, inconvenient illnesses all the time without visiting their doctors. The problem comes when that sore throat lingers just a little too long or comes with coughing,

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“He’s not a real doctor” & Other Urgent Care Myths

May 1, 2015

With a reputation as a “doc in a box,” urgent care centers don’t always get the respect that they deserve from members of the healthcare community. For patients, however, urgent care centers offer several advantages over traditional emergency departments. There’s a growing trend in the modern American health services industry to provide fast, cost-effective healthcare

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Why Does the ER Take So Long?

April 28, 2015

Why Does the ER Take So Long? If you’ve ever rushed to the emergency room after a bad fall or sprained ankle, then you might be familiar with a long night spent in the waiting area. You may have watched as seemingly dozens of patients waltzed right past you to receive treatment or check into

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Doctor vs. Urgent Care vs. Hospital

April 23, 2015

When you have a sore throat or runny nose, your first instinct might be to give your doctor a call, and you’d be right. Doctors treat a wide range of conditions. Your primary care physician or PCP holds the title of “primary” because she’s the person you’ll see for routine visits or run-of-the-mill symptoms. When

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Why Urgent Care Centers are Overtaking Hospitals

April 21, 2015

It’s 2 p.m. on a Saturday, and you’re on the lake with your friends. As you start to get out of the water near the rocky shore, you trip over one of the unseen stones beneath your feet, and before you know it, you’re gasping in pain while your ankle turns a sickening shade of

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