Blog Articles Health Services

Google Fit to Be Launched This Month for All Health Buffs

June 17, 2014

Google Fit is already on the list of programs that has to be launched by the online marketing giant. There are no exact dates mentioned yet but rumors say that it will come out this June. The main objective of this new health service from Google is to track the personal health records of the

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Apple Expected to Announce HealthKit – A New Health Care App

June 11, 2014

Apple fan boys and fan girls are expecting to hear about the newest App that the iOS company has to offer. The latest app called the HealthKit is expected to provide access to users’ health data, which could prevent the need for urgent care clinics. By launching this, the app inducts Apple into the market

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Military Health System Might Get a Review After Hagel Haggles

May 27, 2014

Washington – Experts may have to look at the military health system of the United States after Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel asks for it. In his request, he said that there should be a 90-day review of all the whereabouts of the military health department. This will cover anything related to the treatment of those

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