Blog Articles General Health

FTC Warning the Public on Surge of Covid19 Coronavirus Scam Complaints

April 13, 2020

Sadly, at a time when humanity’s needs are so great there are nefarious individuals who will use a crisis to commit fraud against the most vulnerable, those in desperate need. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has issued a warning to the public that there has been a huge surge of Coronavirus related complaints from consumers

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COVID Help – How To Properly Wear A Cloth Face Mask

April 13, 2020

While the spread and mitigation of the Coronavirus in the United States changes from day to day, so have the CDC’s recommendations on how to prevent the spread of COVID-19 from person to person. Here at we want to assist you to know the how, what, where and whens of how you can comply

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Apple and the CDC Collaborate On Covid 19 Screening Tool Available For Concerned Individuals Seeking Answers

April 4, 2020

As local, state, and federal agencies are being swamped with inquiries from concerned citizens regarding testing and potential treatment centers for the Coronavirus, an unprecedented partnership between the CDC and Apple has brought the release of the COVID-19 screening tool. The user-friendly online screening tool or app is free and specifically designed to aid people

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How Telemedicine Services Can Treat a Sinus Infection

April 25, 2016

A sinus infection is typically not a serious medical condition, but if left untreated it can lead to a more serious infection causing complications. Most people often just suffer through them because it doesn’t seem worthy of a long wait at the doctor’s office or clinic filled with people who may be suffering from other

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Maricopa Medical Center Will Become Hub for Infectious Disease Training

January 31, 2015

Phoenix, Arizona – The Maricopa Medical Center has been chosen as the official hub for infectious disease training to treat illnesses that affect the county like the fatal Ebola. The designation will then allow Maricopa Integrated Health System (MIHS) to treat confirmed communicable diseases like Ebola not only specifically in the county but its nearby

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