Blog Articles Diseases & Conditions

Understanding Bronchitis & Treating It

July 28, 2015

Overview of Bronchitis The primary airways into the lungs are called bronchioles or bronchial tubes, when bacteria,a virus, or other irritant invade the bronchial tubes this may cause inflammation of the mucus membranes that line the bronchioles. When this occurs, the inflamed mucus membranes can begin to slowly swell; gradually narrowing the tiny passageways(bronchioles) into the lungs and making the airways obstructed, making it difficult to breathe, this infection is known as bronchitis.

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Is it Allergies or a Cold? How to Tell the Difference

April 27, 2015

April showers may bring May flowers, but not everyone rejoices at the sight of fresh blooms. As spring blossoms across the country, pollen count increases, and you may be one of the unfortunate victims of allergic rhinitis, also called hay fever or seasonal allergies. According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, about

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Who Should I Go See if I Have a Certain Injury or Illness?

April 22, 2015

If you have a cough that won’t respond to over-the-counter medicine, then who do you call for help? You probably know to make a trip to the emergency room if you’re experiencing signs of a heart attack, and you may also know that giving your primary doctor a call for a tetanus shot is the

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Department of State Health Services Declares Dallas Texas All-Clear from Ebola

January 19, 2015

Dallas, Texas – The Department of State Health Services formally announced last Friday that the state is officially all-clear from Ebola. The people of Dallas felt relieved after getting the all-clear from Ebola announcement from Department of State Health Services with former President George W. Bush visiting that urgent care hospital which was made the

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A Teacher Resigns Because of Forced Ebola Scare Leave

January 13, 2015

Louisville, Kentucky – Susan Sherman, a Kentucky teacher have decided to resign over the forced Ebola scare leave after she travelled to Kenya. Rather than enjoying a paid leave, the Kentucky catholic school teacher chose to resign after the parents of many students of St. Margaret Mary School have raised their concerns about her Kenya

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Sitting Disease – A Growing Concern for Health Experts

January 10, 2015

Sacramento, California – Doctors are studying recently a disorder that is related to sitting for too long, known as the sitting disease doctors are now warning about its dangers that could eventually lead to death. An office assistant for a doctor named Liza Ramirez works all day on her seat because almost everything is within

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Expert at UAB Says Influenza Virus Remains the Biggest Threat

December 22, 2014

Birmingham, Alabama – Doctors at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) warn people that influenza virus remains the biggest threat, despite the alarming and attention-garnering cases of Ebola and Enterovirus D68 statewide, saying that people can be protected from flu among any viruses with only a simple step. UAB’s Division of General Internal Medicine

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Ebola and Other Illnesses Precautions Implemented in Upper Darby

December 20, 2014

Upper Darby, Pennsylvania – The School District of Upper Darby is implementing Ebola and other illnesses precautions. A posted message on the website of the district basically pertaining to new and enrolled students that are returning from abroad. The posted message listed and addresses several communicable diseases or illnesses, that includes Influenza, Ebola, and also

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Bill Gates Foundation Commits $500 Million Donation for Disease Works

December 18, 2014

Washington, D.C. – On Sunday, Bill Gates announced his $500 million donation to the developing world in fighting malaria and infectious diseases. Gates emphasized the Ebola outbreak was a wakeup call. The former Microsoft Chief Executive Officer, Bill Gates announced that his own Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are donating $500 million. The announcement was

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Study Looks at Sitting As Equally Deadly As Smoking

December 11, 2014

Sacramento, California – Doctors are now looking at the possible health risks of sitting for long periods of time. There have been speculations that it could be just as deadly as your typical smoking habits. It is already granted that sitting has become comfortable, especially in the work place. There have been several instances where

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Officials Require Increased Coordination Among Health Agencies

November 28, 2014

Austin, Texas – Health officials said state health authorities need better communication in order to deal with infectious diseases like the Ebola virus as well as coordination among health agencies of all levels is likewise necessary, implementing standardized protocols plus greater accessibility towards health protective gear. During the first meeting of the task force instigated

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