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Women’s Health Service Public Advice: City Health Accepts New Clients

Laredo, Texas – Health Department of Laredo City issued a Women’s Health Service public advice, encouraging new patients to seek current services such as in Cancer Screening, Family Planning, Maternity as well as Sexually Transmitted Diseases.

October has been considered as the month for breast cancer awareness, thus, the city health department aims to highlight the importance of women’s health, urging them to get breast cancer and cervical cancer checkups, and to obtain family planning information. All types of cancer, especially those affecting women such as breast and cervical cancer are associated with necessary urgent care, diagnosis, and treatment.

As a sort of an urgent care near me relief among those without health insurance, the Women’s Health Service public advice also suggested that new patients may qualify for the agency’s Title X Family Planning, the Title V Women’s Health, or the Primary Care (La Familia) plans for reduced or free services.

Women’s Health Service Public Advice: City Health Accepts New ClientsAdditionally, the women’s program is capable of providing confidential and preventive health care to both men and women as the city health department continually strive in assisting women, including their families with quality and professional reproductive health needs. These services aim to promote healthy families and positive birth results.

The urgent care clinic services include comprehensive checkups for women like blood pressure, glucose, and immunization services. Early cancer detection screening and family planning methods are likewise offered, as well as sexually transmitted disease testing, and laboratory exams. Comprehensive health education is also provided, and nutrition counseling services. The Women’s Health Service public advice certainly offers wide ranges of health services, particularly for women’s overall health.

Qualifiers for the Maternity Program will be provided with a wide array of health services such as prenatal care, wellness management and preventive care for expectant mothers and their unborn child. They can also avail postpartum care services, children and adolescent wellness, and dental care for both child and adolescent.

With the availability of urgent care clinics, private health facilities, and their services, new clients of the city health department will be provided with better quality and cost-reduced health services, not only for women, but also for men and all ages, especially if they qualify for the special programs that the department offer.

However, the eligibility of new clients will be determined individually, verifying their qualifications for either reduced cost or free health services. Arrangement for appointments and verification of necessary documents is highly recommended by the health agency. The Women’s Health Service public advice is expected to encourage a massive number of new clients and patients from the announcement onwards.