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Women Are More Likely to Consult Their Mental Health Problems Than Men

Toronto, Canada – Recent studies show that women will most likely go to the doctor for their mental health problems rather than men.

It also showed that women will pay urgent care clinics earlier in the stages of the illnesses than men. The study was based on men and women who have chronic physical diseases and at the same time mental illnesses.

It showed that women will get the services of an urgent care near me six months prior to men. There is a disclaimer on the study, however. They say that women are not the only ones to focus on when talking about mental health.

More Reasons to Look at the Gender “Divide”

Women Are More Likely to Consult Their Mental Health Problems Than MenThe researchers from St. Michael’s Hospital and Clinical Evaluative Science say that there is dire need for an ever bigger research. The source of the disparity in men and women when it comes mental health problems is not yet solved.

The study worked on different mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, marital difficulties, and abuse of alcohol and cigarettes. These are commonly the results of suffering from chronic physical illnesses so it must have been convenient for the institute to gather data.

The services of an urgent care clinic is highly crucial in treating both men and women who face these troubles, though. They should not be a gender divide issue when it comes to services.

The Different Assumptions That Can Be Picked Up from the Study

Two reasons were specified on why there is disparity in the treatment of mental health problems among men and women. First, the institute is looking out on the symptoms of the problem.

It is possible that women are experiencing more serious symptoms than men. This is not really impossible as women are more known to show their emotions rather than men.

Another possibility is that women see urgent care as a comfortable solution. Maybe paying visits to mental health institutions is a burden to males. Again, this is completely possible and acceptable. The study could focus more on the behavior of both sexes to make sure that this is handled. It will definitely differ in different persons but the idea is to get where the average lies.

All these studies on mental health problems is geared toward better health services. Knowing who needs it more can create a better response team. Is the public looking at a more customized health care system after this study?