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A Woman’s Breast Cancer During Pregnancy Journey

Glen Burnie, Maryland – A woman named Amber Blose battles against breast cancer during pregnancy.

At 31, Blose was diagnosed with breast cancer, news from her doctor that sounded like a flat-line noise, she said. She lost her son, Cameron, a little over a year ago. Cameron was 4 months premature, and passed away after 9 days. She and her husband Chris Blose, tried to get pregnant again based on her gynecologist’ advice.

All the while, she thought her pregnancy and her baby were in good health, but discovered the lump in her right breast was cancer. Another journey began as she started battling breast cancer during pregnancy, both conditions which need urgent care and adequate attention.

Blose thought Cameron’s death was the biggest tragedy she would ever face, but this time, it’s different. That was not a free pass in her life, since a month after saying those words; she felt an odd thing in her breast.

But that didn’t stop her from doing anything that needs to be done. Instead, with a help of a friend, she wrote about her entire life experience through blog called ‘SurviveBer’, derived from ‘survivor’ and ‘Amber’. The blog, she believes, will serve as an urgent care near me among women like her, or those going through any hardships in life.

At Anne Arundel Medical Center, an urgent care clinic, Blose had her surgery, opting for a lumpectomy than removing the whole breast. She hoped of nursing a child someday.

A Woman’s Breast Cancer During Pregnancy JourneyAlong with her husband Chris, they went to consult with a fertility specialist, considering cancer treatments may cause early menopause. Her journey against breast cancer during pregnancy required her weeks of fertility hormone injections. Thus, she went through a minor surgery in order to extract the eggs.

On September 18, 2012, Amber was ready for her 16-week chemotherapy, including prescriptions for anti-nausea. During that journey, one of her biggest worries was going bald, but her friends helped her overcome that.

On October 12, 2012, she began her chemotherapy. Although feeling foggy, Amber began with her blog. On November, clumps of her hair fell out. At times, Amber would curl up and cry, but Chris tried to keep everything together.

Despite those tough moments, her husband served as the rock, providing his wife the support she needed, since it was not all about urgent care clinics and emergency departments Amber needed throughout her breast cancer during pregnancy journey.