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USDA Grants $155K to Polk School Nutrition Program

Polk County, Georgia – The nutrition program of Polk School District receives a $155,749 grant from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Purpose of USDA Grant

USDA Grants $155K to Polk School Nutrition ProgramThe grant from the USDA will be used by the Polk School District (PSD) in funding varieties of fruits and vegetables. The elementary students will take part in the nutrition program throughout their school days. The said program is a separate entity besides the breakfast or lunch meal areas of the school program. Called as the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP), which goal is to fight or prevent childhood obesity, and will help children in learning what healthy eating habits are all about. The USDA thought that the program needs an urgent care, addressing the school’s needs through the said funds.

Administration and Education

The USDA will administer the FFVP at the federal level, while the Georgia Department of Education will manage the same program at the state level. Reimbursement of costs will be provided to the participating schools, considering the offering of free fruits and vegetables for the entire school year. The programwill educate students regarding healthy food choices that can be accomplished through different ways, said Kimberly McBurnette, the PSD program’s director. Students would not need urgent care clinics in learning about these healthy food choices.

New Meal Pattern

Continuous preparations throughout the nutrition program are being made in order to provide the students with nutritious food throughout the school year. Unusual and non-traditional varieties will be introduced, creating interest and curiosity among children. Fresh fruits such as Pink Lady apples and Temple oranges will be served. McBurnette said that the new meal pattern from the USDA, which is the first in 15 years, is implemented in order to meet the MyPlate Program’s guidelines. As a sort of an urgent care clinic or facility, along with staff, managers, and other stakeholders will ensure that every child can access healthy and nutritious food.

Key Changes for Nutrition

Changes for the nutritional needs of students will include both fruits and vegetables every single day. Whole grain-rich products will also be offered, as well as low-fat or fat-free varieties of milk. Students will be limited in calories according to their age, ensuring a proper portion size, while reducing saturated fat, sodium, and trans fat intake. Students may consider the program as an urgent care near me solution towards their nutritional needs. Recommendations for the nutrition program also include changes in the school cafeteria menus, providing a mix of green and orange vegetables, but cutting down on starchy veggies simultaneously.