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UI: New Health Institute to Change National Health Care Platform

Iowa City, Iowa – On Wednesday, the College of Public Health of the University of Iowa (UI) indicated its plans on establishing a new health institute that is dedicated towards public health policy in order to address or change current national health care platform.

Based on the preliminary plans of UI, the new public health institute called “The Iowa Institute of Public Health Research and Policy” will be dedicated in promoting, implementing, and applying innovative public health research that will address major challenges within the population health. However, the Iowa Board of Regents will still have to vote, and indicate their individual urgent care or opinion regarding the proposal.

The new institute is believed to help the entire UI in competing in the ever increasing competition amongst federal grants. The new health institute will likewise aid the university in encouraging public or private partnerships, conducting health seminars and conferences, provide urgent care clinics, as well as in working to boost the overall profile of the academy’s public health research.

Sue Curry, university’s College of Public Health Dean said the new proposal will be very broad reaching and extensive. Additionally, the new institute will be housed within the UI’s college department.

UI: New Health Institute to Change National Health Care PlatformThe new health institute was introduced to the Board of Regents members through a meeting of the Education and Student Affairs Committee, whereby Director P. Barry Butler pointed out that the Ebola outbreak in West Africa highlights the necessity for further health care policy development and research. People from around the world, not only in the U.S. should be provided with cutting-edge health care policies, which they can consider as an urgent care near me relief, despite the outbreak. Butler emphasized that the policy issues are very important in relation to the public health college.

The institute’s first year of operation is expected to cost at about two million dollars, which will be paid through combinations of donations, grants, and the restructuring of the college’s funds. If the board approves the proposal, the urgent care clinic’s initial operations are expected next spring.

Aside from the research institute and health policy, the committee also approved some plans for the Graduate College, which will be an innovative Master of Science Program in Health Policy. One of the key elements of the said program would be educating the students on analyzing conflicting and competing health policies throughout state, federal, and local jurisdictions. Thus, the new health institute will also cover alterations that will address industry demands.