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It Is True that a Happy Heart Leads to a Healthier Body

New York City, New York – Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh showed that a happy heart can easily lead to a healthier body.

Many people do not think that love is related to the overall health of a person’s body. The researchers just proved otherwise as they studied the entire matter scientifically. They have used the thickness of the artery and the social life of their participants to make sure that their study is accurate.

To everyone’s surprise, those who have just gone into a divorce meet more health problems than those who are in their honeymoon phase. They need to attend to more urgent care clinics to nurse their physical health.

How Did the Study Go for the Researchers?

It Is True that a Happy Heart Leads to a Healthier BodyThe entire observation took four days. This involves as much as 281 middle-aged adults who are currently in a relationship. It does not matter whether they are married or not. They are considered as couples even if they are just living together.

The constant variables are they all have jobs. Plus, they are all physically healthy at the start of the experiment. It is a requirement that they do not need urgent care to have more accurate results.

In the results, it showed that there is an eight percent increase of heart attack for those without a happy heart. This could mean that they have met negative interactions with their partner or with the people around them.

Considering Couples When Assessing One’s Health

This study is not just to say that people should have a happy heart to completely be healthy. This can also be a basis for other health organizations to look at. Even health insurance companies can take a look at the urgent care clinic records of people who are in love before they name the price.

It is also a good reminder that getting married is better for the health. However, the study says that it is equally important to know the person thoroughly before saying yes to any proposals. The timing, the reasons, and the many other complications of love can results to a quick visit to an urgent care near me, as well.

Be very wise. You always do not want to end up in divorce. It is not just too costly and time-consuming. It also showed that people are who are going in this process are more prone to cardiovascular diseases. Now you have more reasons on why you should have a happy heart. Can you testify to these studies?