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Tips and Facts: Things You Need to Know About Sunscreens

Now that summer is coming fast, families and friends love hitting the beach to get a tan and soak up under the sun. Although it is common knowledge that people need to put on sunscreen, a lot of people are confused on what kind is best to buy and use. Finding the right kind of sunscreen is very important because getting burned under extreme heat can cause the need for an urgent care clinic.

Knowing What UV, UVB and UVA Are

In order to avoid needing urgent care, labels on sunscreens must be read well. But a people are commonly confused with labels because there are acronyms they do not understand. These acronyms are usually UV, UVB and UVA. UV or Ultra Violet light has two kinds of light that are harmful to your skin and these are the UVB and the UVA. Sunscreen is specifically designed to protect your skin from these two kinds.

UVA rays cause your skin to age prematurely and could also give you wrinkling and age spots. UVB rays however, can cause your skin to burn. If you are under too much exposure from any one of these two, you could be at risk for skin cancer and you would need to ask, “where can I find urgent care near me?”

Knowing What SPF Is

Tips and Facts: Things You Need to Know About SunscreensThe most common acronym that people see on sunscreen labels is the SPF. SPF stands for sun protection factor, and the highest SPF would be the most ideal sun block. But the most common misconception is that lotions that have SPF30 provide double protection than lotions that have SPF15. The truth is products that have SPFs of more than 50 only gives a little more protection than others from UVB rays. Knowing this could save a lot of time looking for urgent care clinics.

Sunscreen Application

Although the SPF is very important, the application of sunscreen is also important. If the sunblock is not applied thick or often enough, sweat or swimming water can easily wash off the protection. Most of the time, these products require you to re-apply them when you have been exposed outdoors for a long period of time, otherwise, the protection will not work.

Other Tips

To make sure that you get maximum protection, be sure to avoid being exposed to the sun during the hours of 10am to 2pm. These hours are called prime or peak hours and give the most UV exposure. Also make sure to wear clothing that will protect you. Long sleeves, pants and sunglasses along with a hat should do it. You also need to apply sunscreen at least 30 minutes before going outdoors.