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How Telemedicine Services Can Treat Strep Throat

During the flu and cold season, it can be difficult to know what a sore throat means. Is it a cold, could it be the flu, or is it strep throat? To really know and get on the proper treatment plan you will need the help of a doctor to get the answers you need. A telemedicine video chat doctor appointment can give you those answers and right from the comfort of your own home, office, or whatever location you happen to be at the time; out of town, on vacation, on a business trip.

A face-to-face telemedicine video chat doctor appointment can save you time and even money. Most video chat consultations cost less than a typical doctor’s office visit and may even cost less if your health insurance carrier is one of the (increasingly) many that now include telemedicine in your healthcare coverage.

It’s very simple to register online with a telemedicine company, usually taking less than twenty minutes. You will fill in some health history information, who your primary care physician is and other physician specialists if applicable, health insurance carrier (in case you are covered for video chat doctor appointments), and any allergies to medications.

Once registered, you can then initiate a face-to-face video chat doctor appointment at your convenience, place and time which will take place either on your computer, or your phone by downloading a free mobile phone device app. You will be presented a list of U.S. board certified doctors licensed to practice medicine in your state that are available to answer your call at your requested time and date. Choose your doctor and get started to a diagnosis and treatment plan within minutes. *Make certain to conduct your video chat doctor appointment in a quiet, well lit room (make sure there are no bright or glaring lights in the background).

How A Video Chat Doctor Will Treat Strep Throat?

The symptoms of strep throat are fairly distinctive for a licensed board certified doctor to recognize and diagnose. Strep throat symptoms include; sore throat or pain, difficulty swallowing, whitish patches on the back wall of the throat, red swollen tonsils, fever, a rash (possibly), nausea, possible vomiting, tender lymph nodes along the neck.

These are all symptoms your video chat doctor will go over with you, as well as a visual examination of you. If the doctor is unable to make a presumptive diagnosis of strep throat from your symptoms and visual examination, it may be necessary to obtain a throat swab to confirm a strep throat diagnosis and for which the doctor will recommend your alternative sources to obtain a throat swab i.e. an urgent care center.

However, in most cases the tell tale symptoms of strep will allow the doctor to easily make a diagnosis during your video chat consultation. If the doctor determines you have strep throat a treatment plan will be presented that will include a course of antibiotics to eradicate the infection and possibly over-the-counter (OTC) medications to alleviate the discomfort and fever.

Once the doctor has made the diagnosis and presented you with a treatment plan the doctor will ask if you have any questions and provide you with the answers. Once all your questions have been answered the doctor will call or electronically send in your prescriptions (if necessary) to the local pharmacy of your choice and advise you on any follow up care you may require. Then your healing can begin.

What Information You Will Need to Have Ready for The Doctor?

When we are sick it’s easy to be forgetful and making a list of questions you have for the doctor is always helpful. Additionally, creating a list of your symptoms, when they began, your temperature (taken just before your video chat consultation) and any unusual symptoms you have experienced since your illness began will be helpful to the doctor and help to ensure you don’t forget to tell the doctor everything you wanted to. Having a pen and paper handy may be useful and the telephone number and address of the pharmacy you want the prescriptions sent to in the event the pharmacy you are choosing is different from what is on your registration information. Being prepared can save you time and money.

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What Kind of Resolution Can I Expect from The Doctor?

From your face-to-face video chat doctor consultation, you can expect the following:

  1. The doctor to provide you with an accurate diagnosis or if not possible to refer you to an alternative source of treatment provider that can bring about an accurate diagnosis.
  2. To provide you with a treatment plan and to explain that plan to you fully.
  3. To answer any and all questions you may have.
  4. To provide you with prescription(s) for any medication(s) the doctor deems necessary for your treatment to achieve a positive outcome.
  5. To give you a prognosis, what you can expect from the treatment plan prescribed for you and approximately how long it will take you to get better.
  6. To give you follow up instructions if your illness requires it.