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How Telemedicine Services Can Treat a Sinus Infection

A sinus infection is typically not a serious medical condition, but if left untreated it can lead to a more serious infection causing complications. Most people often just suffer through them because it doesn’t seem worthy of a long wait at the doctor’s office or clinic filled with people who may be suffering from other ailments that may be highly contagious. But, trying to heal an infection on your own can be risky and end you up in the doctor’s office anyway with a more serious situation.

Fortunately, people with sinus infection don’t have to go it alone anymore; a simple video chat doctor appointment can end your suffering without the exposure to all those other people’s germs. Video chat doctor appointments can allow proper medical care of sinus infection from the comfort of your home or office 24 hours a day, seven days out of the week, with little or no waiting to see the doctor. Not only is the doctor appointment quick and scheduled at your convenience the video chat doctor visit typically costs less than a trip to the doctor’s office or clinic.

How A Video Chat Doctor Will Treat A Sinus Infection

Sinus infections often are caused by a virus and can clear up on their own with home remedies, but when they last for more than a week the cause may be from bacteria which will require antibiotics. A video chat doctor consultation can be the perfect solution for determining what kind of infection you have.

When you begin your video chat doctor consultation you will be face to face with your doctor via your computer screen or Smartphone, this enables the doctor to see you much like they would if you were sitting in the doctor’s office. Your doctor will be asking you specific questions about your sinus symptoms to help him or her assess where your sinus infection is originating from, viral or bacterial. In most all cases the doctor will be able to determine this without the need of any laboratory tests, but instead make a diagnosis based on your physical appearance, symptoms, duration and the severity of them.

When the doctor has reviewed all the necessary information to make the diagnosis a treatment plan will be presented to you right away unless a laboratory test was required because you presented symptoms of a more serious condition, in which case it may be two to three days before the doctor can give you a diagnosis and advise you of how your treatment should proceed.

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What Information You Will Need To Have Ready For The Doctor

Because time is of the essence during a video chat consultation it is advisable to write down a list of your symptoms and when they first appeared, this is helpful because sometimes when one is ill we can forget to mention some thing to the doctor just because we’re not feeling up to par. Be sure to include in your list any questions you may want to ask the doctor too. Symptoms you would want included in your list will be whether or not you have a fever and how high it is, stuffy nose, runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, coughing, green or yellow nasal discharge (mucus), facial pain and pressure in the sinus area. Be sure to include any allergies to medications. Your doctor may have some additional questions about symptoms you may or may not have experienced if he or she suspects your infection is something more serious or requires a prescription for antibiotics.

What Kind Of Resolution Can I Expect From The Doctor

When your telemedicine consultation is complete your doctor will prescribe a treatment protocol (plan) for your sinus infection. Depending on the outcome of your exam the doctor may or may not prescribe antibiotic treatment for your infection, the doctor is not obligated to prescribe antibiotics unless it is medically necessary. Remember antibiotics will not work for a viral sinus infection, only if the doctor determines based on your symptoms that it is a bacterial infection will an antibiotic regimen be prescribed for you.

If antibiotics are a part of your treatment plan be certain to take the full prescribed dose until the prescription is finished even if you are already feeling better because your infection could return otherwise. If you have any questions after having your video chat consultation with the doctor most telemedicine companies will allow you time to ask questions of the doctor that treated you, in some cases as many as seven days for follow up questions, but only related to the condition you were originally treated for.