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Smoking and Obesity in Pregnancy Lead to Obesity for the Child

New York City, New York – New research says that a woman who is smoking and is overweight during pregnancy could have a child that is obese.

The researchers have studied different obese children under the age of 18. They all found out that obesity at this age could be rooted from their exposure to the womb. There are chemicals in the womb of a woman who is smoking and is overweight that could affect the weight of the child.

Furthermore, they found out that this is also related to certain diseases come adulthood. They have associated asthma during adulthood with this matter, as well. This could be the reason why urgent care is focused on these children.

Lengthier Studies for More Purposes

Smoking and Obesity in Pregnancy Lead to Obesity for the ChildThere have been several studies regarding the effects of obesity and smoking on children already. This, however, is among the first to produce and deliver the long-term effects of the matter. They have studied 1,456 infants for 18 years to come up with a more extensive study in the effects of irresponsibility during pregnancy.

This happens because the child in the womb is able to “inherit” the obesity from the mother. The metabolism that was present during their stay inside their mother’s womb could also be the same metabolism that they can have when they started growing up.

Aside from regular visits to urgent care clinics, mothers should also be well aware of their diet and their lifestyle.

May Still Be Malleable But Should Not Be Taken For Granted

Being obese at an early age could easily be treated. However, parents should not wait for it to happen because there is still a significant percentage that these children will not recover. Plus, studies also show that obese children are way more prone to bullying than fit ones. This is a huge problem that no urgent care near me can end.

Pregnancy is a bigger responsibility. It is not just about carrying the child for nine months in the womb. It is also the job of the parent to take a child to an urgent care clinic once they start slacking off. As toddlers, they will have to be very active to avoid any more mishaps in the entire metabolism process.

This entire process is not just all about bringing a child into this world. Pregnancy is also about rearing a child inside you into an able and fit person. Aside from discipline, what do you think are the best ways to avoid obesity and smoking when pregnant?