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Sitting Disease – A Growing Concern for Health Experts

Sacramento, California – Doctors are studying recently a disorder that is related to sitting for too long, known as the sitting disease doctors are now warning about its dangers that could eventually lead to death.

An office assistant for a doctor named Liza Ramirez works all day on her seat because almost everything is within reach conveniently. Liza stated that it is more efficient for her to do her job and focus on patient urgent care when she is in one spot.

Doctors are now warning that that efficiency at work or any prolong sitting can also be deadly. For many years, a good number of health experts already warned about the dangers of sitting for too long. Known as sitting disease, it occurs when an individual sits for too long whether on the office, car, or even in a couch which can be very hazardous and can lead to a visit to an urgent care clinic.

Sitting Disease - A Growing Concern for Health ExpertsDoctor Eric Tepper states that recent research are tying hours of sitting with various types of chronic diseases, whatever the age may be. He added that such research are trying to pinpoint the exact pathology and if it increases mortality, heart disease risks, obesity, and also diabetes. The doctor is foreseeing an increase of patients consulting urgent care clinics in the near future with such sitting disease disorder.

Tepper is a family medicine doctor and warned that in 2014, it is not going to be surprising that excessive sitting will soon overthrow smoking as the biggest health issue. He added that such sitting disease can soon be one of the deadliest diseases in the country. The doctor also stated that today, heart disease is ranked as the number 1 killer in the country, as it takes more lives than any forms of cancer.

Liza Ramirez stated that when she started her job as an assistant, the prolonged sitting definitely affected her negatively. She added that she noticed that she was getting more sluggish right after work and feeling more tired and starting to feel the need to search for an urgent care near me.

She then decided to make changes in her office work routine and noticed that she felt more energetic. One change she made was regularly getting up whenever she can, even just to get or make a copy of a file.

Experts advised that after an hour of sitting, it is essential to stand up and move about for 10 minutes. Doctor Tepper added that standing is the best way to increase metabolic activity and prevents such sitting disease disorder from occurring.