Saratoga Hospital’s New Automated Medication Management System

Mountain View, California – Omnicell Incorporated reported that Saratoga Hospital in Saratoga Springs, New York selected Omnicell Incorporated to be the provider of their newest automated medication management data analytics tools and solutions in their main hospital facility.

Omnicell will also provide new systems for Saratoga Hospital’s urgent care clinics, infusion center, surgery center, and also their cancer treatment center.  This is the first time Saratoga Hospital can manage medication dispensing systems from a single location, adding greater efficiency to both their administrative and clinical staff.

Saratoga Hospital is known for being the most equipped medical facilities compared to other urgent care clinic organizations. It employs a total of 450 physicians along with other staff and medical professionals.

The new automated medication management system will be perfect as the hospital offers urgent care in a range of different medical specialties and also has been providing services in the Saratoga region for over than 100 years, boasting with compassionate clinical professionals and exceptional care. The new system will be used initially this fall and it’s projected to be fully implemented by the year 2015.

Laurie Cronin, Saratoga Hospital’s pharmacy services director stated that the new Omnicell automated medication management system selection will easily streamline and significantly improve their medication management.

Saratoga Hospital’s New Automated Medication Management System Cronin added that it will enhance patient care and overall safety and it is more secure, automated, and gives them the ability to easily access all their systems. She also stated that it will significantly help ensure that individuals in need of urgent care near me will be provided with the correct medication always.

The new Omnicell system will include a Medication Label Printer which is integrated to automated dispensing cabinets. It will help foster and improve the collaboration between pharmacy duties and nursing needs. With such functionality, nurses will be able to print automatically labels for specific medications for patients, rather than doing the usual procedure of waiting for needed medication delivered.

Another addition that the new Omnicell system will provide Saratoga Hospital facilities are new Anesthesia Workstations. These are automated dispensing cabinets that will be used primarily used in operating rooms. These are basically designed to provide convenient and secure access to medications required while having surgery procedures. It also allows easy documentation when it comes to controlled substance use.

The automated medication management system reduces service time for Saratoga Hospital staff specifically, pharmacists and nurses, and it also ensures more safety medication use for patients.