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Proposed New Nutrition Labels in Addressing Misleading and Deceiving Issues

New Haven, Connecticut – The United States Representatives Richard Blumenthal and Rosa DeLauro, along with Yale Rudd Center director Marlene Schwartz proposes new nutrition labels in an effort to address misleading and deceiving labels.

Misleading Nutrition Labels

Americans are known to be health conscious, but are still deceived and misled by nutrition labels. This issue needs an urgent care in order to address and reduce confusing food packaging labels. Food packaging labels are considered as a sort of an urgent care near me reference in obtaining contents information. Blumenthal said that cluttered labels on food packaging contribute largely to obesity, an epidemic that needs to be addressed and stopped, considering one-third of American children affected by such condition. The legislators called on the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in strengthening their regulations on proposed nutrition facts labels.

FDA Nutrition Label Regulations

Proposed New Nutrition Labels in Addressing Misleading and Deceiving IssuesEarlier this year, new nutrition labels were proposed by the FDA. The new regulations included updates on serving size requirements, making calories, serving sizes, and added sugars information more prominent on food packaging. However, Blumenthal and DeLauro wanted more, stricter guidelines, although considered the initial proposal as a good start. Together, the two sent a joint letter to the FDA, requesting for new regulations. Blumenthal emphasized that the requests are basic, common sense, and sensible measures which people, urgent care clinics, and other agencies should support.

New, Proposed Labels

In the same letter, the FDA was requested to regulate a standardized front packaging labeling system. The proposed labels should likewise establish clear definitions for terms like natural, whole wheat, healthy, and sweeteners. An overhaul on the ingredients label was also requested by grouping sugar contents together and incorporating new font specifications. The new nutrition labels also propose a disclosure of sweeteners, artificial colors, and the caffeine amount in front of food packages. DeLauro reiterated that consumers have the right to be informed about nutrition facts in every product.

Reduce Health Care Costs

The new regulations should help in reducing health care costs, considering billions of health care expenses paid by the US. The new food labels would likewise help people in becoming more health-conscious than before, preventing a visit to an urgent care clinic when health problems occur. Through an emailed response, the FDA said that requests, comments, and suggestions will be reviewed before finalizing the Nutrition Facts Label. The legislators presented the Food Labeling Modernization Act last year in order to address confusing, misleading, and deceiving information on packaging labels. DeLauro predicted that the proposed new nutrition labels will create criticisms from food manufacturers, but will still push for the betterment.