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Promising Options in Increasing Hopes of Pregnancy for Midlife Women

San Francisco, California – Gwen Stefani, 45, and a famous singer delivered her baby a few months ago, thus, it might have given increasing hopes of pregnancy for midlife women. Many people are aware that women’s fertility begins to decline as they reach 30, although only a few realizes that between 38 and 42, the chances of a possible pregnancy may drop to less than 10%.

Through the In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), many patients can have high chances of having a baby. The IVF is a process in which the eggs are harvested, and then fertilized with the sperm within a laboratory or an urgent care clinic, before transferring to the uterus. However, the method could not overcome the impact of egg’s age. Women are born with all the eggs they could have and use them up eventually, unlike in men who continuously produce sperm.

Additionally, the egg’s quality declines as women age. While women reach the age of 42, 80% of their eggs will have chromosomal abnormalities, resulting in miscarriage or failure of misconception. Furthermore, preimplantation genetic screening could be helpful in determining these chromosomal abnormalities in the embryo before transferring to the uterus, increasing the odds of normal embryos, while decreasing the risk of miscarriage, thus, increasing hopes of pregnancy for midlife women. This urgent care or technique, however, could require a huge amount of eggs.

Another urgent care near me, a promising opportunity is to freeze the eggs for impending IVF cycles, only for a woman who wants to put her motherhood on hold, and one who is in her 30s.

Promising Options in Increasing Hopes of Pregnancy for Midlife Women The Fertility Preservation Program began at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) ten years ago, which was designed for cancer patients who become infertile because of their life-saving cancer treatments. Approximately half of the patients have not had cancer, preserving their eggs and delaying their fertility for some social reasons.

The process of vitrification has been increasing hopes of pregnancy for midlife women. Those who stored their frozen eggs before they could turn 35, had more than 50% chance of conceiving once they decide in the near future.

Egg freezing in urgent care clinics is a new technique, but is unlikely for women in their 40s. The eggs from younger women could be the most feasible way for women in their 40s to have a baby. Studies indicated that the success of pregnancy is based on the egg’s age, not the uterus.

At the UCSF clinic, 71% of women who went through an IVF cycle using donor eggs have had live births, indicating the increasing hopes of pregnancy for midlife women; however, IVF is costly and not covered by the majority of insurance plans, making it exorbitant for many patients.