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Pregnancy Tests Will Be Handed Out on 20 Bars in Alaska

Pregnancy tests will be available for free at 20 different bars in Alaska, United States.

This is still in accordance to the goal of the government to prevent pregnant women from drinking. It is no longer the responsibility of urgent care clinics to discipline their patients so the state will take over. This could be a test for mothers who are not ready to leave the booze-d life yet. It could also be a challenge to never get pregnant when you still want to live such life.

The pregnancy tests will be inside a dispenser. They can easily get one whenever they want.

What the Fuzz Is All About

Pregnancy Tests Will Be Handed Out on 20 Bars in AlaskaThis state-run project will also help in the research currently made by the University of Alaska. They received a total of $400,000 for this study alone. Their objective is to know whether the expectant mothers are willing to let go of their vices for the sake of pregnancy.

Before, they have put posters instead of pregnancy tests dispenser. Expect them to be installed before the year ends, December as the latest. Will the change be significant? Or will pregnant women just ignore it and continue drinking, anyway?

Lately, there have been several cases of alcohol abuse. Urgent care near me will also say that there are health issues regarding children born with defects due to alcoholism. This could be the chance for the government to correct them. Besides, the government will play an important role in providing for mothers who can no longer support their child’s financial health.

The Minnesota Study and Its Effects

This is not the first time that a study of this nature is conducted. Bars in Minnesota were the first to have free pregnancy tests because of the same case. They have encountered several abnormal pregnancy cases due to alcohol abuse.

There will also be help from a non-profit organization named Brains for Children. They are specializing for urgent care for abnormal cases so they are fit for the job. They will also be handing out free condoms in strategic places. This is apart from the 5,000 pieces of kits that will be distributed in the first year of the program. It is going to be exciting how the people from the clubs will react with this.

They are expecting that very few women will get kits. However, they are looking at the decrease reports of abnormalities from urgent care clinic. Will they be successful with this pregnancy tests study? Or will it be just a waste of time and money?