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Obesity During Pregnancy Can Cause Serious Heart Issues

Studies show that women who experience obesity during pregnancy are most likely to catch serious heart diseases.

Groups of women were asked and were tested during pregnancy. One group is made up of fit women while the other is composed of obese ones. This study was done for more than a decade. The doctors wanted to make sure that they will also see the effects of obesity to pregnant women in the long run. The data was run on women who have given birth in 1988 and 1999. They only stopped gathering data until 2010.

The data that was presented in New Orleans showed that obesity during pregnancy can easily cause cardiovascular risk and cardiovascular diseases.

Prevention Is Not the Only Thing That Matters

Obesity During Pregnancy Can Cause Serious Heart IssuesWith this, obesity during pregnancy is not solved by prevention alone. Doctors say that there should be secondary cardiovascular exams to make sure that the mother, and even the child, is safe.

There could also be earlier heart attacks for women who experience this. There are even chances of death, especially for the mother. Losing weight is not the only solution to prevent all these from happening.

Other organs of the body should be taken care as well. Liver and kidney were among the body parts mentioned in the study. It is also best to visit the doctor regularly. Early detection of the bad effects of obesity could play a huge role in saving one’s life.

Awareness Could Still Be the Key

Obesity during pregnancy is not really an issue. There are a lot of people out there who cannot see the negative effects of too much body fats. There are even those who do not really care about it because not many cases are reported regarding this topic.

However, there is still a need for doctors and educators to spread the idea. Letting everyone know could already be enough to minimize the number of those who get pregnant while still overweight or obese.

Also, mothers should be responsible not just for the health of the baby, but for theirs, as well. The child relies heavily on the mother, especially during the formative years. It will not hurt to sacrifice a few meals for it.

Obesity for pregnancy is surely an underrated issue. Most people will even look at malnourishment more than this. What do you think should the health organizations do to prevent more of these from happening?