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Newly Discovered Emergency Medication Saved Life in Tulsa County

Tulsa County, Oklahoma – Tulsa County Deputies is using a new emergency medication as a tool in treating overdoses. The County Sheriff Office of Tulsa is now equipping their patrol cars with a new emergency drug named as Narcan and a deputy already used it to save a person’s life.

The deputies actually had these urgent care kits for several weeks, but was only put good use last Tuesday. Deputy David Allen responded to an emergency call where someone passed out because of prescription drug overdose. He thought that it was already too late, but years of training kicked in. As he came closer he tried to determine whether the victim was breathing, he noticed that she is breathing shallowly and faintly.

Newly Discovered Emergency Medication Saved Life in Tulsa CountyDeputy Allen then immediately got the new emergency medication from their patrol car and administered it.Allen with his partner was dispatched to a residence near Turley regarding a prescription medication overdose. Aside from asking himself locations of urgent care near me, he already was thinking if the Narcan medication in his patrol car will come in handy.Upon seeing that the woman was already on her back and was barely breathing, he went immediately back to their patrol car. After grabbing the yellow bag containing two Narcan opiate inhibitor vials, he quickly loaded it in a syringe and then sprayed it directly into the victim’s nose. Procedure states that if no change occurs within minutes, it is recommended that a second dose should be given.

The deputy stated that he didn’t expect that the victim will quickly respond to the new emergency medication quickly. He added that the effects were so instant that she didn’t need to be taken to an urgent care clinic anymore. He was expecting that he will need to administer CPR after giving the medication, but only after a few seconds she started to breathe deeply giving the deputy a big sigh of relief.

The incident was the very first recorded from the county involving Narcan and the saving of a life. Emergency medical crews usually carry Narcan but unlike deputies, medics can’t always really rush into potentially dangerous situations. This is why Deputy Allen stressed out the importance of Narcan kits being present not only in urgent care clinics and emergency medical crews, but also in all deputy patrol units. This is why the deputy emphasized that the hours of training regarding the new emergency medication is worth it and essential in their everyday duties.