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New Ruling for NYC Pro-life Pregnancy Centers Under Dispute

New York, New York – Convincing expectant mothers in New York City (NYC) to give their unborn children a life had become very expensive after a United States high court decision, ordering pro-life pregnancy centers in posting notices at their centers and advertising their licensed medical personnel at work.

The Supreme Court refused to hear an NYC ordinance case, allowing the Second Court of Appeals ruling to stand. The NYC ordinance forces pro-life pregnancy centers to post notices at their centers and to advertise whether they have a licensed medical personnel at work. The ruling also applies even to urgent care clinics or facilities, which only provide pro-life counseling and sonograms.

New Ruling for NYC Pro-life Pregnancy Centers Under DisputeThe head of NYC-based EMC Frontline Pregnancy Centers Chris Slattery said disrespecting the law could become very costly. He said a $2,500 fine will be imposed in every offense, that a center is required to pay for violating the law. Every urgent care clinic or facility that fails to comply with the necessary medical supervision, or to disclose such info on ads and websites, signages both inside and outside the office, on the phone, or even in person will have to pay $2,500. Slattery emphasized abortion clinics in NYC are not forced to post anything, if they could be an urgent care near me, or about what they are offering and which ones are not.

After the court decision, Slattery started to hire nurses so as to meet the law requirements. He said finding volunteer nurses were difficult, so his office was left without a choice but to pay their services. Additionally, his center has been making new arrangements in finding doctor partners so as to provide medical supervision. Slattery said these efforts are made so that his entire facility can continue providing urgent care and reach thousands of abortion-minded women. Nearly 38% of all NYC pregnancies end in abortion.

The American Center for Law and Justice senior counsel Ce Ce Heil said that a clear message has been delivered to the other side. Attorney Heil pointed out that there is nothing or no one that can dictate pro-life pregnancy centers on what they can say or cannot about contraception and abortion. Thus, they should not be forced to speak the government’s position or the city’s position.

One of Alliance Defending Freedom’s attorneys, Elissa Graves have also argued the law, saying it’s unconstitutional and the ruling must go back down to the lower courts for the case’ full resolution, before it could go back to the Supreme Court in the future. Graves added that the ruling violated the freedom of speech specifically that of pro-life pregnancy centers rights.