Columbia, Southern California – A new juvenile mental health court is going to be set-up to tackle cases that involve two very sensitive issues – kids and mental health.
This is going to be one of the first when it comes to mental health care. The number of cases that involves the young ones has become very alarming. What is even more alarming is that a high percentage of these cases have involved kids with mental illnesses.
In Richland Courtroom, it showed that out of 880 juveniles, 160 were diagnosed with mental illnesses. This case gets worse when they verdicts are not really in favor of those with mental challenges. Even urgent care clinics inside juvenile correctional cannot really attend to these.
Adult Mental Health Court Is Not Enough
Experts see that there is really a need to develop a juvenile mental health court. The number is quite alarming and it gets worse when they are already inside. There has been an established mental health court already. However, this is just for adults.
The needs for the kids are not the same. There are very few options for children who are acting up because they have mental illnesses. Even parents are very happy about this new decision. They will not just have to rely on urgent care near me whenever they see problems on their mentally-challenged children.
Sending Someone to Jail Is Not Always the Solution
Others see this move as a huge breakthrough in today’s system. The juvenile mental health court could easily be a solution to correct things rather to make it worse. This is because experts see that going to jail is not always the fittest solution.
If they need urgent care clinic for their case, then, that should be given. It is not really about bending the law but going over it to make better solutions. They even added that early recognition and early solution for mental illnesses can be key solutions to make things better for the child’s future.
People can see that there have been a lot of modifications in the system for the mentally challenged. Everybody is hoping that this will not be the last of all the efforts that they will make for them.
The juvenile mental health court is yet to start but the expectations on it are already set at a high level. However, this will not really function without urgent care to back it up. What do you think are the other ways to keep this program as one of the most efficient?