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Microsoft Takes Another Chance At Its HealthVault Platform

Health gadgets continue to make a name in the health department as the HealthVault Platform from Microsoft gets another chance to shine.

There have been several tech companies who have blatantly showed their interests in improving the health sector. This time, another company is going at it. It is not the first time for Microsoft to do this. Before, there are already rumors regarding the health wrist watch that will come from this company. Now, all these rumors are already verified.

It is going to happen. There will be fewer visits to urgent care clinics because everything can already be easily monitored.

Storing Data on the Health Device Is Also Possible

Microsoft Takes Another Chance At Its HealthVault Platform The winning innovation in the HealthVault Platform is its ability to store data. This platform has been in the industry for years already. However, the company decides to give it a new twist. It is going to be more exciting with its ability to give you information that you have had in your past health issues.

This could easily mean that you can already forget about urgent care near me. You will know what to do right there and then. They are already looking out for potential talents at Silicon Valley to make this even more exciting.

There are already rumors regarding the release of a watch in line with this agenda. There are no confirmed reports yet but it will not really be impossible for Microsoft to pull of such stunt. They have been known to release gadgets, as well.

Light Sensors Could Be Used for Their Health Products

For those who are still afraid of how they are going to implement urgent care, Microsoft said that they will be using light sensors for this. This could be a relatively healthier way of dealing with such materials. They will be using this for the heart rate and the other biometrics. This is more complicated because of the HealthVault Platform that lets the information sit in there for months, even years.

They already did it with Kinect. This is the gaming product from the same company. It will not really be impossible for them to do it on other gadgets. The only question would be their competence in this high-level market. Will they be able to eliminate urgent care clinic positions, as well?

It is a tough world out there for the HealthVault Platform. A lot of gadgets that can do the same are already on the loose. What would be its winning feature?