Washington – The mental health care that is supposedly given to the veterans of wars is still in transit. They are still being processed, as of this time.
Mental health care for the war veterans is very important. Some say that the mental torture during the war is more severe than the physical. Some of the cases even lead to suicidal tendencies when not properly attended. Other cases involve post-traumatic stress disorder, too.
There are already too many cases of patients released early because of the shortage of funds. Nurses, doctors, and all the other professionals who take care of the veterans admit that they are in too much pressure right now.
Sorry Stories for the Veterans
There have been several cases where the people in the hospital do not know what to do with the patients. There are a lot of them coming in but the resources are not just enough. This is not just for the mental health care of the veterans, but for the overall medication, as well.
Through the years, there have been loads of efforts to help them. They have hired more professionals, built more hospitals, provided better communication and a whole lot more. However, the disparity continues to rise.
The shortage continues. They should be reporting it to the headquarters already. Instead, they are not encouraged to do so. So far, they have a goal of filling in 1,563 jobs for the mental health care of the veterans.
Fifty Days Waiting Time for the Veterans
Supposedly, the veterans should only wait for two weeks until they are attended. In reality, they are there for at least 50 days before someone completely attends to them. They are even lucky if they got out completely healthy.
Everyone in the mental health care unit is very much aware that this can lead to suicides and other severe tendencies to the veterans. They also lack in the evaluations. They have to work with four-straight assessments with those who are in severe conditions. Again, this is not the case in the hospitals. They are already lucky if someone will attend to their needs.
The suicide rate for the veterans is increasing. Every day, 22 take their lives. This is why the mental health care should be taken seriously. They need everything that they can get. Should the capitol intervene in the process already? They should not be blind about this issue, right?