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Lyme Disease: What It Is and How You Can Treat It

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued an advice about ticks and how people should not let ticks get them sick. This warning was issued because we are in the tick months, which are June and July. This is the month when the symptoms of Lyme disease show up, so people who frequent the woods should be aware and careful. Experts from the Office advise people to dress properly when going to the woods and to check for ticks after the trip. They also advise to put repellant on clothes, shoes, pants and socks rather than just putting repellant on skin. These are very important tips to avoid looking for urgent care near me.

Knowing What Ticks Are

Lyme Disease: What It Is and How You Can Treat ItThe tick, also called the deer tick, is blacklegged and transmits Lyme disease to its victims. The lone-star tick however, transmits ehrlichiosis, which is another kind of disease. So many people look for urgent care clinics after they have been victimized by ticks. In fact, there were over 1,300 Lyme disease cases in 2013 in Virginia alone. According to federal officials, there are about 30 to 40,000 new Lyme disease cases in the US being reported every year. But the CDC believes the real figure could be at 300,000.

How to Recognize Lyme Disease

As soon as you know you have Lyme disease, you need to look for an urgent care clinic immediately. These things can cause you serious trouble if not treated immediately. But how will you find out if you have it? Well a rash that looks like a bull’s eye should be an indication that you have the disease. It looks like a ring that grows bigger. But you have to take it to a physician in order to confirm it. So if you see a red ring growing on your leg, back or face that grows bigger, it is most likely an early form of Lyme disease.

The Possibility of Never Discovering Lyme

A female hunter had Lyme disease that was undiagnosed for three years. Michelle Kelly has been all over the news in Australia, telling her hellish tales about the tick disease she had for a long time. Although it is possible to not discover Lyme disease for a long time, it will feel like hell and will give you awful consequences. Be sure to get checked whenever you go to the woods during these times. If you see just a slightest hint of tick bites, be sure to find urgent care.