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Licking County Develops Ebola Precautionary Measures

Licking County, Ohio – The Health Department of Licking County is reassuring their local residents that no sign of the Ebola virus is present in the area, but for Ebola precautionary measures, though the health department met with their officials last Friday along with first responders, health care and urgent care workers in developing plans and crucial protocols if the situation does change.

The Health Commissioner of Licking County Joe Ebel also stated in a news release that a recent training was even conducted last Friday that involved a full simulation of handling such crisis. He also assured that County health officials are also in daily contact with Ohio’s Department of Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and urgent care clinics in the area.

Licking County Develops Ebola Precautionary MeasuresEbel also stated in the news release that having established the new response plans, Ebola precautionary measures, and also protocols significantly help in protecting the county’s first responders and their medical providers, while also assuring the access to needed and appropriate health care services just in case a suspect case will be identified.

All are advised to visit the nearest urgent care near me when experiencing fever, joint and muscle pains, headache, weakness, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, abnormal bleeding, and lack of appetite because such are Ebola symptoms. The symptoms do appear from anywhere from 2 up to 21 days right after being exposed to the virus. Unfortunately, there is still currently no known cure.

The Ebola virus is only contracted only through bodily fluids from individuals who are infected with or died from the said disease, or exposure to objects like needles that are contaminated. It is important to note that the Ebola virus cannot be spread through the air, food, or water. But for Ebola precautionary measures, the public is advised to visit an urgent care clinic if symptoms are noticed or if they have even a small suspicion of exposure.

The news release also states that as of the moment, no Ebola cases are confirmed in the state of Ohio, and also at this time, there are no reported Licking County citizens have direct exposure or contact with the tested positive nurse who had traveled from Texas to Ohio. Licking County citizens can contact 24-hour center of the health department at 866-800-1404 for answers regarding Ebola. For further Ebola precautionary measures, the county’s health department is also asking anyone who traveled or planning to travel to West Africa to contact 740-349-6535.