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Levels of Harmful Chemicals Found in Antimicrobial Products

New York, New York – Antibacterial soaps as germ free products may contain unsafe level of harmful chemicals.

Ordinary antibacterial soaps are used as a sort of an urgent care near me product in cleansing hands, eliminating unwanted germs. However, studies have indicated that these products may contain unsafe levels of harmful chemicals. Children and health workers are the most exposed to such products, and unsafe chemical levels can interfere with hormones, causing health problems.

Levels of Harmful Chemicals Found in Antimicrobial ProductsHealth workers are normally exposed to antibacterial soaps, considering the nature of their work. But an alarming study suggested that the chemical content of these soaps could cause developmental problems in newborns and fetuses most especially.

The study, published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, determined that antibacterial soaps may contain high levels of Triclosan, a synthetic antibacterial substance. This antibacterial agent is not only found in soaps, but also in wide ranges of consumer products, including toothpaste, cosmetics, and acne creams that are used as an urgent care and treatment for acne.

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) researchers reviewed the effects of Triclosan, saying exposure to such substance could cause health problems. Professor Paul Blanc of the University of California said antibacterial soaps could contain unknown risks, particularly Triclosan. The study proved that people who absorb the substance greatly are those at home and in health facilities.

The controlled study involved two groups of doctors and nurses from two hospitals. One group was asked to use antimicrobial soap containing 0.3% Triclosan, while the other participants from the other urgent care clinic were asked to use plain soap and water. Urine samples were analyzed, and the findings positively indicated levels of Triclosan in the first group.

The researchers also asked the participants on their usage of commercial toothpaste containing the harmful chemicals. Those who used such toothpaste products were found to have higher Triclosan levels than those who did not use the same popular toothpaste. The researchers also found out that those who washed their hands with antibacterial soaps had higher Triclosan levels compared to those who brushed their teeth with toothpaste containing Triclosan.

A visit to urgent care clinics may pose health risks, especially if the workers make use of antimicrobial soaps containing Triclosan. Professor Blanc said using non-Triclosan-containing soaps is highly recommended. The alternative of plain soap and water is likewise recommended, avoiding Triclosan and other unknown, harmful chemicals and its risks to human health.