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Jail, Medical Officials Agreed on Kidnap Suspect Medication

St. George, Utah – Jail and medical officials agreed to give a St. George woman kidnap suspect medication, a psychotropic drug, as long as the woman’s attorney can show that such medication is properly recommended prescription drug.

Diane Bradford, turning 45 has been under evaluation and treatment at a Provo State Hospital after she was diagnosed in an urgent care clinic with bipolar disorder by two court-appointed psychiatrists. However, the medical officials disputed whether or not Bradford was mentally sound to participate in her trial.

Bradford was accused of kidnapping, holding her own parents hostage at a gunpoint, while threatening them that she’d kill them during a psychotic episode the previous year. She also held the police at bay for several hours after her folks escaped without injuries. Her parents have been assisting Bradford during the kidnap suspect medication.

Based on reports, Bradford had a history of delusions and drug abuse, believing that small bugs have been crawling over her body and out. Reports in other urgent care clinics also indicated that her delusions resulted in cutting herself just to get the bugs out, taking on an urgent care near me by cutting herself.

Last month, Bradford’s defense lawyers filed a motion, requesting the court to order the jail officials to provide the kidnap suspect medication, all her prescription medications, especially Bradford’s anti-seizure and Topiramate medications.

Jail, Medical Officials Agreed on Kidnap Suspect MedicationDuring last month’s hearing, defense attorney Edward Flint said he has fears that his client might start having seizures due to the jail’s policies on particular drugs. Before Bradford was sent to the hospital, she had episodes of seizures while being incarcerated, Flint added.

On Tuesday, attorney Zachary Weiland of the Deputy County said the issue had been decided by the agreement of Chief Deputy Jake Schultz of the Washington County Sheriff’s Office. Schultz is the acting jail’s manager.

Additionally, Weiland said his office has to verify the medication, determining if it was the same prescribed by the State Hospital, and as long as the Provo doctor can prescribe it, there will be no problem. As urgent care and medication will be provided to the woman, and officials find her competent, a transport order will be prepared, transporting her back to Washington County from Provo.

Weiland and Flint said pursuing discussions on a plea deal is now possible, while telling Judge Eric Ludlow that the matter on the kidnap suspect medication has been resolved. A resolution hearing was scheduled by Ludlow on December 2.