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Iodine Could Easily Be the Ultimate Secret to a Bright Baby

Experts are now highly encouraging expectant mothers to take iodine. New studies say that it could still be efficient in the brain development even during the first few months of the unborn child.

There has been a drop in the iodine intake of US citizens in the last decade. The public has been relying on processed food for this, and not the typical iodized salt bought in the market. Now, there could be a switch because of the efforts from health institutions.

They say that iodine is crucial in the development of the brain of the baby. It could be the key to boost the full potential of the brain.

Decrease Intake of Processed Food

Iodine Could Easily Be the Ultimate Secret to a Bright BabyHealth institutions are blaming the intake of processed food for the iodine deficiency on moms, and even on typical people. There has been an increase in cases of mild iodine deficiency on mothers because of this food group.

Processed food is salty but why don’t they have enough iodine? This is because they are using non-iodized salt. Research shows that this has no bearing in the body at all. This is important because iodine is the one responsible for the production of the thyroid hormone.

Consequently, this hormone is responsible for the brain development. Those who lack this vitamin can easily be a candidate for mental retardation.

Taking Too Much Is Dangerous

They say that it is also not good for a mother to take so much iodine. The only acceptable amount is at 220 micrograms up to 290 micrograms only. Pregnant women need it more. Those who are not can settle on 150 micrograms of iodide.

Experts say that not every vitamin has iodide on it. There is a request to the Food and Drug Administration to make sure that this issue is settled. They just cannot let food manufacturing companies to mislead the public.

Plus, these experts suggest the pregnant women should not just focus on iodine. They should also be working with Vitamin D. This is a very important prenatal supplement. It is also good for the bones as it can easily boost the calcium content in the body.

Iodine can easily be the most underrated but very effective vitamin out there. Not many people see its benefits. It is very easy to acquire yet there are still those who do not do it. Is public awareness the only solution?