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Hemp Health Launches New Line of CBD Wellness Supplements

Carlsbad, California – Hemp Health, Inc. launched its CBD wellness supplements product line. Hemp Health is the creator of hemp cannabidiol (CBD) products, offering compelling alternatives to medical marijuana. Its new product line is available in capsule, spray, and oil form, providing consumers with the therapeutic hemp ingredient, while avoiding the negative effects of marijuana both mentally and physically, and also avoiding an unfavorable visit to an urgent care clinic.

The United States has remained engaged in debates over the legality, safety, and benefits of cannabis as physicians and researchers actively study and test the said plant within urgent care clinics in order to understand its underlying medicinal properties. Their research works have identified active medicinal compound is such plant, which is the cannabinoid CBD.

The finding has inspired Janell Thompson and Katarina Maloney in exploring methods to isolate CBD and market it in concentrated form. The business partners invented a proprietary CO2-based technique to extract pure CBD from industrial hemp without using harmful chemicals or additives. Their urgent care mission began in 2013, to bring CBD products to American consumers, launching the Hemp Hookazzh, which was a company manufacturing e-liquids and e-cigarettes infused with CBD. The products were smoke-free alternatives to marijuana and tobacco products.

The said products were offered to smokers as an urgent care near me alternative, helping them overcome their addiction. The business partners realized they had to provide different delivery options for the non-smoking Americans.

Hemp Health Launches New Line of CBD Wellness SupplementsMaloney said Hemp Health is about providing CBD wellness supplements, which can be taken like a pill, consumed through oral spray, or could be mixed in salads. She pointed out that the new product line is a huge step to help CBD become a typical wellness supplement similar to fish oil.

Hemp Health’s CBD wellness supplements come from industrial hemp, unlike medical marijuana. Hemp Health’s hemp is organic, kosher, and a vegan product sourced from supportable farms in Denmark, Germany, as well as other European countries.

Thompson said there are still legal muzzles that prevent industries like Hemp Health from discussing the medicinal properties of CBD, although it is now legal in all 50 states and in 42 countries.

Currently, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved two cannabinoid medications, while the informational pages of the National Cancer Institute about Cannabis and Cannabinoids cited several clinical and laboratory studies on the compound’s potentials in cancer treatments.

In spite the news, the medicinal qualities of CBD are still not clear to the general public, thus, Hemp Health has been committed to producing and advocating the use of pure CBD products, promoting their new line of CBD wellness supplements.