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A Healthy Virginia: Expanded Healthcare Services for Virginians

Virginia Governor McAuliffe, released a statement introducing A Healthy Virginia, which is an expansion of services for health to more than 200,000 residents of the locale.

The 10-step plan has never been introduced by any other governor of the area, which is inclusive of one executive order, four emergency regulations’ authorizations, and resolutions for a more innovative and creative development of Virginia health care solutions for families, children, and senior citizens in urgent care clinics.

A Healthy Virginia: Expanded Healthcare Services for VirginiansMcAuliffe stated that he wants to provide urgent care for the citizens, which they deserve. He introduced A Healthy Virginia as a plan for life improvement for every citizen in the county. McAuliffe also disclosed that the 10-step plan is not just an urgent care near me action, but a beginning of what the Virginia government officers are planning to press on for better health among residents.

Mental health support is the first step of the plan. The Governor’s Access Plan (GAP) will be launched in order to provide mental and behavioral health assistance to an estimated 20,000 uninsured Virginia citizens.

McAuliffe also appraised the establishment of mental home for psychologically ill residents. The home will also serve as an urgent care clinic for the patients.

The governor is also determined to counteract the low count of enrollment for FAMIS and Medicaid accounted from Virginians.

Through FAMIS, McAuliffe is aiming to provide up to 5,000 young residents comprehensive, astounding, and low-cost health care.

Upon enrollment of women in FAMIS and Medicaid, they will also get reasonable dental coverage. An approximated 45,000 pregnant women will find this service assistive for having a healthy baby and delivery at the same time.

Informing Virginians regarding the coverage they can benefit from Cover Virginia will be done via web. A Healthy Virginia is also composed of launching the new website for Cover Virginia. Through the site, the citizens will be given opportunity to apply for existing programs the federal government has to offer.

Governor McAuliffe, through the movement, will improve the access of veterans to healthcare services even outside the VA system. The officer is targeting to take advantage of the federal money worth $10 billion, which has been signed by President Obama just recently. John Harvey of Veterans and Defense Affairs and Bill Hazel of Health and Human Resources Bill will spearhead the enforcement of veteran quality healthcare.

The 10-step plan also included the action against deaths due to drugs. The governor is set to develop a Task Force to fight against drug abuse and significantly reduce Virginians drug-related fatality rate.

Lastly, A Healthy Virginia also focused on getting Federal grants to support healthcare development in Virginia. Recently, the federal government applied for funding worth $2.6 million with Virginia Center for Health Innovation. Upon approval, reform in health care services of the town will be augmented.