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Healthy Tips for Cold and Flu Prevention and Treatment

Bellingham, Washington – The new school year has arrived, so is the start of seasonal food, drinks, sweater weather, as well as colds and flu, thus, staying healthy and surviving from sickness-ridden environment is possible by following some cold and flu prevention guidelines.

Western’s Student Health Center is requesting individuals who feel sick to take a self-assessment examination online. It could be a possible case of flu, thus, urging people to call the Health Center’s hotline and consult with a health expert. The process will serve as an urgent care clinic even if it’s online consultation.

Additionally, the US Department of Health and Human Services strongly advise people to get vaccination as it is the most effective, preventive measure in flu prevention. Flu cases that are not given urgent care and treatment could worsen, which usually lead to pneumonia.

The Health Center offers influenza vaccinations for $25 along with reimbursement for those with health insurance.  Cold and flu prevention guidelines are provided by the Mayo Clinic through 3 core recommendations.

Health experts suggest that hand-washing is a key preventive measure from illnesses. Almost all places, especially in campus’ restrooms have stickers or posters, reminding everyone to hand-wash frequently so as to maintain a healthy quarter. However, proper hand-washing includes hot water, soap, and about 15 seconds of scrubbing, which is roughly the time while singing the alphabet or ‘Happy Birthday’ song.

Healthy Tips for Cold and Flu Prevention and Treatment Having colds and flu would certainly require visits to urgent care clinics, and such illness could be transmitted to others, but this can be prevented by covering the cough. It is likewise essential to encourage other people do the same thing. Containing the sneeze or cough within a handkerchief, tissue, or elbow crook is strongly recommended. This will help in preventing the spread of the virus and creating a safer environment as bodily excretions are confined.

The Mayo Clinic provides its third fundamental cold and flu prevention tip, which is to keep away from sick individuals. People who limit themselves from crowd contact, especially from those obviously sick also help in sickness prevention.

Those who are already sick will need an urgent care near me and immediate treatment. For sick people, the Mayo Clinic recommends the intake of water and other fluid. Gargling with salt water is also helpful for those with the cold and flu virus. The use of saline drops or sprays in easing nasal passages, utilizing humidity, eating chicken noodle soup, and taking antihistamines and decongestants is equally helpful in cold and flu prevention and treatment.

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