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Health Fair to Promote Prescription Collection Service

St. Mary’s County, Maryland – The annual Health Fair of St. Mary’s County Sheriff will conduct a medication prescription collection service soon.

The prescription collection service is scheduled on October 24, Friday with the theme entitled “The Way to Wellness”. It will be held at the Southern Maryland Higher Education Center. It will serve as an urgent care clinic among residents in disposing unused and expired prescription medications in the safest and most eco-friendly manner.

Improper disposal of these items, such as flushing down the toilet or sink, or into landfills can create potential risks, pollution, and hazards towards the environment and the people. It will be wise to consider the service as an urgent care near me for the proper disposal of unused medications, while conserving the environment and protecting other people at the same time.

Health Fair to Promote Prescription Collection ServiceThe entire service will accept wide-ranges of drugs and medications, including prescription and non-prescription medications, over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, lotions, ointment, liquids, and pills. However, unacceptable items include chemotherapy drugs (both in oral and IV liquid form), drugs in aerosol containers, inhalers in canisters, and syringes. Further information about prescription medication and opiates, and the entire event will be available.

The county sheriff Narcotics Division vice president Captain Daniel Alioto said, his agency has continually encouraged the community for the proper disposal of medications. He pointed out that failure to dispose unused medications properly will damage the environment and could also become a criminal violation. Thus, people in communities should employ urgent care and corresponding attention towards the invitation.

Additionally, Captain Alioto said the prescription collection service will not only be about collecting expired medications. There will also be deputies present in order to educate the public about medication abuse and its corresponding consequences.

Everyone is invited to participate in the event, including private individuals, companies, staff of urgent care clinics and hospitals, even young adults. The service will be a top priority during the Health Fair, regardless the 24/7 Sheriff’s Office medication drop-off site.

Captain Alioto said his agency has high hopes that the effort and service will be expanded towards communities with both moderate and severe disabilities to access proper medication disposal sites.

The event will not require any pre-registration and admission fees. Aside from the prescription collection service during the Health Fair, the organizers will likewise offer a wide array of activities and exhibits that mainly promotes health and wellness for men and women, young and old.