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A Group of Army Deployed to Handle Mental Health Disorders Abroad

Indianapolis, Indiana – Indiana Army all set to leave for Kuwait to help those with mental health disorders.

Prepared for Departure

The Indiana unit’s flag was safely packed in a gray bag, symbolizing the army’s deployment. It was momentous for the soldiers who will depart for Kuwait, as their friends and families surround them. The group consisted of medical specialists who were based in Lawrence to provide mental health services in Kuwait’s military installations and urgent care clinics. It was the 55th Medical Detachment, Combat Operational Stress Control ceremony of the United States Army, indicating the official deployment of the soldiers. They will serve as the first line of defense in providing and maintaining health care to the soldiers with mental health disorders in Kuwait.

Army Deployment

A Group of Army Deployed to Handle Mental Health Disorders AbroadThe members of the deployed unit were Army Reservists based at Fort Benjamin Harrison, part of an institution which mainly focuses on mental and behavioral health that needs urgent care. The deployment order was scheduled for 400 days along with First Lt. Tyra Oliver as their commanding officer. Most of the details such as their departure, days of stay, and number to be deployed still remain classified. Staff Sgt. Cathy Walters, however, noted that many of the soldiers won’t be present for Christmas. Oliver emphasized that their mission will be powerful in changing the lives of their fellow soldiers overseas.

Mental Health Disorders

Mental health disorders are believed to be the primary cause of many military hospitalizations compared to other diagnoses. The Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center released this finding last year. Cases of depression and post-traumatic stress disorders have increased since the year 2000. Based on the report, similar cases have worsened by multiple deployments. Walters described the mission as “mental health triage”, as the soldiers will provide their fellow soldiers with a sort of an urgent care near me assistance, considering their long distance from their homes and families.

Mental Health Triage

The soldiers will serve similar to first responders, quickly discovering the specific needs of every soldier, and assess which case should be handed to a doctor or a psychiatrist. The main goal is to keep every soldier on the mission, Oliver noted. Soldiers may seek help from the 55th unit, or be ordered by a commanding officer, or refer themselves voluntarily. The members of the 55th unit will have to introduce themselves and establish their services, wherein the triage begins. Identifying the soldiers’ needs and providing a basic service in helping them cope with stress by themselves will no longer need an urgent care clinic. All the members of the 55th unit were able to receive special trainings, as well as physical and psychological health screenings in order to ensure their services in dealing with mental health disorders.