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Gay App Users Are More Prone to Sexually Transmitted Diseases

There is a study that shows that gays who use smartphone apps to get a date are more prone to sexually transmitted diseases.

A British journal published a report that says that men who are hunting for sexual partners on smartphone apps are more likely to catch the disease. Some of the apps mentioned were Grindr, Scruff, and Recon.

These are known applications for gay posting their whereabouts. They can talk to other people and might meet for a quick sexual encounter. Different people are on these apps. There are those who ask for payments while there are some who want a solid romantic relationship.

How the Experiment for the British Journal Went

Gay App Users Are More Prone to Sexually Transmitted DiseasesThe proponents of the study interviewed thousands of homosexual and bisexual persons for this case. They asked where they were looking for sexual partners. Also, they were asked when their last visit was at urgent care clinics for a sexually transmitted disease test.

Thirty six percent of the respondents said that they have met their partners through these smartphone apps. Only thirty-four percent said that they met them in person first before doing it. The remaining thirty percent are for those who are using online dating sites and other forms to hunt for their sexual partners.

Every one of them has risks but the study found out that those who are into smartphone apps will meet the most people with sexually transmitted diseases.

Gonorrhea and Chlamydia for Those Who Are Not Careful

Urgent care is definitely needed for those who use these smartphones. Sexually transmitted diseases such as Gonorrhea and Chlamydia can easily be found on those who are using this method. They are more likely to be seen than gays who meet at the bars or online dating sites.

The dawn of smartphones has added to the number of those who acquire sexually transmitted diseases. It is already very easy to set-up dates, especially with the different apps available. Partners will not easily know about the whereabouts of the other. They will have no idea of the habits of the other.

Also, there is more demand for sex with the rise of smartphones. Urgent care near me encounters diseases related to sex more than ever. The solution raised by the journal is for an urgent care clinic to work like smartphone apps. Being easily accessible could be a good start.

The issues about sexually transmitted diseases are never-ending. There will always be something new that will come up. In your opinion, what would be the best way to end it?