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GAVI Alliance to Save 300 Million Children From More Diseases

The GAVI Alliance is out to help 300 million children from experiencing more diseases. Their target date is on 2020.

They are going to do this by providing low-cost immunization programs. They will be starting in the developing countries to reach the said number. The entire program will require $7.5 billion. This is not yet in the hands of the organization so they are asking everyone, especially big-time companies and administrations, for financial help.

The plan is set to start on 2016 and will push through until 2020. GAVI Alliance says that they will already have $2 billion by then. The rest of the amount is still a challenge for them.

Long-Term Solution for the Children of the Next Generation

GAVI Alliance to Save 300 Million Children From More DiseasesThe people behind this organization say that low-cost immunization is a good investment. Aside from helping the children get rid of diseases, they are also helping countries build a better health department. They can be more sustainable when it comes to health benefits with this kind of plan.

The GAVI Alliance can reach as much as two children per second once they start working on it. Just imagine how much people can benefit from that. Parents, teachers and even co-children will feel safer; thus, more productive with the vaccination plan.

It is not impossible to reach economic prosperity with this kind of planning. Children will definitely experience a better environment with their immunization plans.

The GAVI Alliance and Its Legacy in the Health Sector

GAVI Alliance is working with the world’s largest health offices. They are backed up by the World Health Organization in their dealings, as well. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and UNICEF are also included. They are already using their connections to work with different medicine companies for this cause.

They have tapped GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, and Sanofi already. The organization has asked them for a much cheaper price for the vaccine. They have been very successful with their agenda as these companies have promised a 37 percent cheaper price for developing countries.

They have worked with vaccines against rotavirus and HPV already. This started in 2010 and they hope that it will continue until each and every child is equipped with the right and complete vaccines.

The GAVI Alliance is just one among the many institutions that are willing to help out the poor countries. Luckily, they are supported by the biggest organizations in their programs. Do you think they will reach their goals at the right time?