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Experts Share Health Tips Before and During Long-Distance Vacations

Cairo, Egypt – Ahram Online shares top health tips from experts before a well-earned holiday trip, as vacations may also bring health challenges that could ruin the holiday spirit.

Most Egyptians consider the month of August as the most convenient month to spend time with friends and families, traveling to different destinations across the globe. However, vacation trips are also associated with disturbances such as in sleeping patterns, eating habits, or contracting diseases and infections in holiday destinations. While on vacation, tourists may be forced to visit an urgent care clinic due to such environmental or biological disturbances.

Health experts Doctor Iman Tolba and Doctor Heba Sharabi shared, what they think as the top health tips, travelers should consider before and during holiday trips. The derivation of their health advice was based on the holiday experiences and complaints reported by travelers.

Experts Share Health Tips Before and During Long-Distance VacationsJet lag is one of the issues of travelers, resulting to sleeping problems, constipation, diarrhea, upset stomach, reduced concentration and other body aches. The experts suggested natural approaches in countering jet lags instead of resorting to sleeping pills. Resisting sleep during daytime and eating food rich in protein and vegetables can help in countering jet lag. By doing so, visits to urgent care clinics may be eliminated.

The health experts also emphasized on gearing up against insects because these could be a source of skin irritations and allergies. Insects such as mosquitoes are more dangerous, considering the Dengue-infection-carriers that can transmit the infection to humans, resulting to health complications and even death, especially if an urgent care near me was not employed immediately. Skin repellant products containing “Deet” are the most effective and could last longer, the experts noted. However, products with low-Deet content are strongly recommended for children.

The health tips also warned travelers to be prepared for continuous motion. While on vacation, tourists are expected to move from one place to another, visiting famous spots in a certain destination. With this, their brains may suffer from confusion, conflicting messages received by the eyes, ears, and the gastrointestinal tract. This could result to nausea and vomiting. Thus, they highly recommend the intake of ginger tea, avoidance of reading and carbonated drinks.

The experts also warned travelers of the potential health risks in varied destinations. As an urgent care and precaution, corresponding vaccines could help resist infections. Medication that can improve one’s immune system may likewise help, they said. Before and during a vacation, following health tips aside from maintaining proper hygiene is equally essential in preventing health disturbances.