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Department of State Health Services Declares Dallas Texas All-Clear from Ebola

Dallas, Texas – The Department of State Health Services formally announced last Friday that the state is officially all-clear from Ebola.

The people of Dallas felt relieved after getting the all-clear from Ebola announcement from Department of State Health Services with former President George W. Bush visiting that urgent care hospital which was made the center for battling the virus and the place where the American scare over the fatal disease originated.

As the Texas Department of Health Services stated, ‘it’s official’. It was Friday evening when a tweet from the said department circulated saying that it was down to its last person out of the 177 people monitored who were considered at risk catching Ebola. The final monitoring of the last person closely monitored in an urgent care near me showed no symptoms and they were happy to close the Ebola chapter with Dallas Texas, according to the department.

The announcement that Dallas is already free from catching the virus was made by the Department of State Health Services just four hours after the statement made by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that out of the 176 people in Texas closely checked for possible exposure to Ebola, 176 were already cleared. All of those considered at risk were monitored for possible symptoms for 21 days which is the maximum quarantine period of the disease. Among the common symptoms that were monitored include fever, diarrhea, bleeding and vomiting.

Department of State Health Services Declares Dallas Texas All-Clear from EbolaIt was September 30 when the Texas scare of Ebola started when a traveling Liberian Thomas Eric Duncan was confined at the Texas Presbyterian Hospital where he was also diagnosed with Ebola.

This first case of the virus in the U.S., in the middle of the epidemic which already killed thousands of lives in West Africa made a lot of people wonder if the government was doing enough to prevent Ebola from entering the country.

According to former U.S. President George W. Bush on his visit to Dallas, the last few weeks have been a trying time for the residents of the city especially for those who are working in Texas Presbyterian Hospital and other urgent care clinics. Bush lives some miles from the hospital hugged nurse Amber Vinson who is now declared Ebola-free. He even posed for ‘selfies’ with the urgent care clinic’s staff where he also underwent care.

The Department of State Health Services said that there’s no one else in the state who’ve contracted the virus since Amber Vinson and Nina Pham were infected while giving care for Liberian Thomas Eric Duncan.