The second political declaration on health in history is given by the United Nations to prevent more cases of chronic diseases. With this, organizations have grouped together to fight it.
The very first political declaration on health was for AIDS. It happened in 2006. Now, it is a completely different story. Among the plagues in the chronic diseases are diabetes, chronic lung diseases, cancer, and cardiovascular disease.
Urgent care clinics have met too many damages from these illnesses. So far, 60 percent of all death tolls are coming from these diseases alone. It gets worse because of the bad habits shared by those who are affected.
Unity Between Public Health Workers
Chronic diseases have already been a global issue. It says that 14 million people are already dying out of these and this toll is just applicable for the low to middle income countries. That could already be the entire population of some countries in Europe.
On that note, doctors and medical professionals from all over the world, not just in urgent care department, have decided to unite to end this. Several organizations have already stated their interest in stopping this from getting worse. These organizations are the following:
• The International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
• International Diabetes Foundation
• Union for International Cancer Control
• World Heart Foundation.
These four form the NCD Alliance. NCD stands for non-communicable disease. This is another term for chronic diseases. So far, their programs are considered successful because they have united 2,000 civic organizations in 170 different countries.
What Are the Different Moves from the Alliance?
Aside from uniting the world in this common goal, they are also working on different programs to address the issue. They have trained public health officers to relate the information properly to any urgent care near me. Managing information during health crisis is just as important as curing the chronic diseases.
They are also working to develop health leaders. They can easily improve on the health programs of the different countries if they will have a leader on each one of them. Exchanging information could also be very easy when it is done this way. They will learn more about the conditions of each and every urgent care clinic with this system.
The best thing about this is that chronic diseases can be avoided. With discipline and enough effort, this can be done. Do you think we will someday live in a non-communicable disease free society?