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Chia Seeds Are Recalled Due to Sudden Spread of Salmonella

There is already a petition for chia seeds to be recalled in the market due to the outbreak of salmonella.

Currently, there are nine people who are hospitalized. There are health agencies that say that these health issues are related to chia products such as dried chia seeds and dried chia seeds powder. There were already recalls sent to the sellers of this product.

The brands that were used were under Back 2 the Garden and Organic Traditions. There are no announcements yet on whether all the other chia products on the market will be pulled out.

Chia Seeds and Its Victims

Chia Seeds Are Recalled Due to Sudden Spread of SalmonellaCurrently, there are six victims from British Columbia. Meanwhile, Alberta has one and Quebec has two. Everyone hopes that these numbers will not increase. Salmonella can easily spread if they do not handle it properly. Only one among these people has fully recovered already. They are yet to release the eight others from the hospital.

They are suffering from different illnesses. Some of the symptoms are chills, colds, flu, fever, and vomiting. The best thing to do when these happen is to go to the doctor right away. There are those who will feel okay after a few rests but it is still best to go to the doctor.

So far, there are no reported cases. However, there are ongoing investigations that lead to the sales of the recalled chia seeds products. They are looking at different products that are not expired yet.

The Different Effects of Chia Seeds to the Body

Chia seeds have become really famous as an alternative medicine. It is considered as a superfood already, so a lot of people are expecting great results from using its products. Most of them are for weight loss and for cleansing, though.

It works efficiently because you will be losing weight without feeling deprived. It is also good for the heart because it is filled with Omega 3. You will never have to worry about heart burns when you mix it in your diet.

Countless more forms of advantages can be drawn out of these seeds. However, the process should also be properly done to not attract salmonella and other diseases.

This is a huge slap in the campaign of this superfood. Will this recall be the end of chia seeds? Or will it be just another page in the history books? Will you still consider putting this food on your grocery list?