Blog Articles Health Tips

Why a Spoonful of Medication May Be Risky for Children

July 25, 2014

New York, New York – The American Association of Poison Control Centers says that children may be at risk with a spoonful of medication. Confusion on Measurement Directions The American Association of Poison Control Centers says that more than 10,000 individuals, contact the poison centers every year. These people are too afraid that they have

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Fish Oil and Its Benefits Can Have Several Faults on Its Benefits

July 18, 2014

Brisbane, Australia – An Australian study shows that several benefits from taking fish oil have been overstated. There may have been several effects that were misinterpreted. This, however, does not mean that one should already forget about taking fish oil. The idea is just to be more cautious when taking medicines. This can easily help

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Psychotherapists Rely More on the Web for a Revolutionized Treatment

July 12, 2014

Reports say that psychotherapists have been looking at the positive side of the Internet to make mental health treatments more reliable. This has become very convenient because people no longer have to leave their places just to visit the experts. There are already set-ups that can easily transform the screen of a computer into a

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It Is True that a Happy Heart Leads to a Healthier Body

July 10, 2014

New York City, New York – Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh showed that a happy heart can easily lead to a healthier body. Many people do not think that love is related to the overall health of a person’s body. The researchers just proved otherwise as they studied the entire matter scientifically. They have

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Health Data Can Be a Source of Money According to Google Fit

July 9, 2014

In this time and age, Google says that a person’s health data can potentially be a source of income through Google Fit. There are still loads of moral dilemmas in this proposal. However, it will not be impossible if the massive company gets a yes from the health administrators of the country. Right now, Google

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FDA Wants a More Realistic Serving Sizes from Food Companies

July 7, 2014

Silver Spring, Maryland – The Food and Drug Administration wants are more realistic list of the serving sizes from different food companies. This is still in line with the aim to minimize the number of obese people in the United States. When people are aware of how much food they are putting in their body,

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Poor Equipment Choices Can Cause Health Problems to Photographers

July 1, 2014

New health tips for photographers now include carrying the right equipment. This could just spell the difference between a day off and a day well spent. They have been stressing out on the importance of good habits during photography, as well. A lot of professionals in this field have accumulated injuries due to their carelessness.

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Gluten-Free Diets Are Actually More Harmful than Helpful

June 28, 2014

Brisbane, Australia – Gluten-free diets or wheat-avoidance schemes could be more harmful than helpful for those who are trying it out. There is so much hype on gluten-free diets nowadays. This is due to the number of celebrities who are using it. Plus, at first look, it makes so much sense. Taking away the wheat

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Triglycerides Could Easily Boost the Health of the Heart

June 26, 2014

Boston, Massachusetts – New studies show that triglycerides could be just as important in improving the performance and the health of the heart. This time, people will not just watch what they eat. They will have to work on the chemicals inside the body, as well. For those who are not familiar, triglycerides is a

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Fasting Once a Month Can Help Eliminate Diabetes

June 20, 2014

The age-old practice of fasting could easily be one of the many ways to minimize, if not, eliminate, diabetes. Utah could be a total proof for this. They have the lowest rate for people with heart disease. They are known for having the lowest smoking rate but this is not the only thing to blame

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Tips and Facts: Things You Need to Know About Sunscreens

June 13, 2014

Now that summer is coming fast, families and friends love hitting the beach to get a tan and soak up under the sun. Although it is common knowledge that people need to put on sunscreen, a lot of people are confused on what kind is best to buy and use. Finding the right kind of

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