Blog Articles Health Tips

What is a Urinary Tract Infection?

October 6, 2015

A urinary tract infection is a common non-contagious illness many people face; typically it involves bacteria or fungi contaminating one or more of the structures of the urinary tract such as the kidneys, bladder, ureters, or urethra. Usually an infection of the urinary tract is easily treated with antibiotics. However, left untreated a urinary tract

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The Good and Bad News About Urinary Tract Infections

October 5, 2015

Urinary tract infections, also called UTIs, is one of the most common type of infections that a woman will likely have to endure during her lifetime. Unfortunately, the bad news is that the odds are not in your favor when it comes to UTIs. Medical statistics indicate that as many as 1 in every 2

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What is Syphilis?

October 4, 2015

Syphilis is a bacterial infection caused specifically by the spirochete bacterium; it is a contagious disease that is transported from person to person primarily by sexual contact. Syphilis may also be transmitted during pregnancy from mother to child or via the vaginal canal during child birth. Syphilis is very curable when detected in its early

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What Causes Strep Throat?

October 3, 2015

Strep throat is one of the most common bacterial infections among young school age children, most prevalently in kids between the ages of 5 to 15 years of age. The infection (strep throat) occurs when Group A streptococcus (GAS) bacteria overwhelms the body’s natural defenses and invades the pharyngeal tissue causing painful inflammation of the

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STD Testing and Treatment

October 1, 2015

There are as many as thirty infectious organisms known to cause sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as gonorrhea, chlamydia and herpes just to name a few. Many STD symptoms go unnoticed altogether or are mistaken for something less serious, this is why if you are sexually active and not in a long term monogamous relationship

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What is a Sore Throat?

September 29, 2015

A sore throat indicates that there is an inflammation in the throat that causes pain or a burning sensation, often the tonsils and surrounding tissue is red and irritated making it difficult to swallow. A sore throat may occur from numerous causes, but the most common cause is viral pharyngitis meaning a viral infection of

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September 27, 2015

Rash is a very broad term that is non specific in terms of diagnosis, there are many types of rashes with many sources of origin. In general terms rash indicates that there is a change in the appearance of the skin, typically discoloration with some form of inflammation which may or may not cause redness,

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Pre-Travel Consultation

September 26, 2015

When people prepare for taking a trip they often have a checklist of things they need to do and what to pack before taking that vacation, but they often don’t prepare their health care checklist. One of the most important things in our lives that we need to manage well is our health, when traveling

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What is Impetigo and Who Gets It?

September 22, 2015

Anyone can get impetigo as it is very contagious, but pre-school and school age children are most likely to contract this superficial skin infection. Impetigo is indicated by red blister like sores that appear on the body, typically on the face around the mouth and nose, neck, arms, legs, and on hands. In small children

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All About Ear Infections – Diagnosis & Treatment

July 30, 2015

What Causes Ear Infections? In the U.S. earache pain from an ear infection is one of the most common reasons people orparents visit an urgent care center or their doctor’s office seeking medical attention for themselves or their child. Earaches may be caused by various conditions that include injury, infection caused by another illness, swimmers ear, ear wax buildup, pressure changes

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Strep Throat: Cause – Diagnosis & Treatment

July 29, 2015

What Causes Strep Throat? Strep throat is one of the most common bacterial infections among young school age children, most prevalently in kids between the ages of 5 to 15 years of age. The infection (strep throat) occurs when Group A streptococcus (GAS) bacteria overwhelms the body’s natural defenses and invades the pharyngeal tissue causing

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Understanding Bronchitis & Treating It

July 28, 2015

Overview of Bronchitis The primary airways into the lungs are called bronchioles or bronchial tubes, when bacteria,a virus, or other irritant invade the bronchial tubes this may cause inflammation of the mucus membranes that line the bronchioles. When this occurs, the inflamed mucus membranes can begin to slowly swell; gradually narrowing the tiny passageways(bronchioles) into the lungs and making the airways obstructed, making it difficult to breathe, this infection is known as bronchitis.

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