Blog Articles Health News

How Telemedicine Services Can Treat Allergies

May 3, 2016

The change of the seasons may be beautiful to look at, but for people who suffer from seasonal allergies it can be difficult to appreciate the beauty of it all. The symptoms of allergies vary and can be very mild as in the sudden appearance of a rash which may require a doctor to prescribe

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Telemedicine Appointments for Travel Medical Consultation

May 3, 2016

When making travel plans one of the most important parts of your planning should be seeing a travel medicine doctor before your trip. Whether your trip is across the country or international it is important to consult with a travel medicine doctor to ensure that your travels are healthy and safe. A travel medicine video

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How Telemedicine Services Can Treat Super Lice?

April 26, 2016

Getting the dreaded note from your child’s teacher at school informing you that your child has or may have lice is one of every parent’s worst nightmares, but in 2015 that nightmare got worse with the news that there is a new breed of the pesky insects called “Super Lice”. For your garden variety lice,

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How Telemedicine Services Can Treat the Flu

April 25, 2016

Flu season can be miserable enough, but sitting in a crowded doctor’s office or urgent care center with a bunch of sick people can actually make you feel worse since there are varying strains of the flu you can be further exposed to. That’s why being able to stay in the comfort of your own

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How Telemedicine Services Can Treat Urinary Tract Infections

April 25, 2016

Urinary tract infections (UTI) affect both men and women, but women have a much higher risk of contracting one, statistically one in every two women will contract a urinary tract infection. Some women will have infections repeatedly for multiple years. The symptoms of a UTI can be quite annoying and painful, they typically are not

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How Telemedicine Services Can Treat Pink Eye

April 25, 2016

When you have little ones it may appear like a revolving door at the doctor’s office as kids are constantly fighting off one illness after the other in those primary school years it seems. And taking a sick child to a crowded doctor’s office waiting room filled with other sick children is no picnic for

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What Causes Strep Throat?

October 3, 2015

Strep throat is one of the most common bacterial infections among young school age children, most prevalently in kids between the ages of 5 to 15 years of age. The infection (strep throat) occurs when Group A streptococcus (GAS) bacteria overwhelms the body’s natural defenses and invades the pharyngeal tissue causing painful inflammation of the

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What is Viral Gastroenteritis (stomach flu)?

October 2, 2015

A stomach flu or viral gastroenteritis as is its medical terminology is usually a common virus that causes havoc in your intestines. Is Stomach Flu Contagious? The answer is YES. Typically stomach flu symptoms begin to present themselves one to three days after you have been exposed to an infected person. Viral and bacterial gastroenteritis

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STD Testing and Treatment

October 1, 2015

There are as many as thirty infectious organisms known to cause sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as gonorrhea, chlamydia and herpes just to name a few. Many STD symptoms go unnoticed altogether or are mistaken for something less serious, this is why if you are sexually active and not in a long term monogamous relationship

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What is a Sore Throat?

September 29, 2015

A sore throat indicates that there is an inflammation in the throat that causes pain or a burning sensation, often the tonsils and surrounding tissue is red and irritated making it difficult to swallow. A sore throat may occur from numerous causes, but the most common cause is viral pharyngitis meaning a viral infection of

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What Is a Sinus Infection & Who Gets It?

September 28, 2015

The medical terminology for a sinus infection is called sinusitis; basically this simply means that one or more of the four major paranasal cavities and/or the nasal passages have become inflamed which may cause pain or pressure in the forehead, above, below or between the eyes, cheek areas, sides of the nose, upper jaws (teeth),

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September 27, 2015

Rash is a very broad term that is non specific in terms of diagnosis, there are many types of rashes with many sources of origin. In general terms rash indicates that there is a change in the appearance of the skin, typically discoloration with some form of inflammation which may or may not cause redness,

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