Blog Articles Diseases & Conditions

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Clues of Cure for Alzheimer’s and Other Related Diseases Show Up

July 5, 2014

Professors from different universities found out some clues that could end Alzheimer’s and other related diseases. Unlike a typical illness, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Creudzfeldt-Jakob diseases are not cured easily because experts still do not know where they come from. They just usually pop when a person is already in an old age. This is also

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Australians Add Years in Their Lives But Chronic Diseases Take Over

July 4, 2014

Brisbane, Australia – Studies from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare show that Australians live longer but chronic diseases have been more prevalent in their lives. A total of 25 years was added to the life span of the typical Australian. This is way more than what everybody expects in the past century. This

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Pig Parasite Could Be Key to Get Away from Auto-Immune Diseases

June 30, 2014

Experts from 15 different countries grouped together to study what a pig parasite can do to treat auto-immune diseases. After series of studies and research, it could result to a good treatment for these types of diseases. Among the diseases that could be cured using the worm found in pigs are multiple sclerosis and inflammatory

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Countries Unite to Fight Off the Plagues Brought by Chronic Diseases

June 27, 2014

The second political declaration on health in history is given by the United Nations to prevent more cases of chronic diseases. With this, organizations have grouped together to fight it. The very first political declaration on health was for AIDS. It happened in 2006. Now, it is a completely different story. Among the plagues in

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Lifestyle Diseases Make Health Campaigns a Lot Harder

June 21, 2014

Experts do not see lifestyle diseases to help in their health campaigns. More and more people are getting into health troubles because of these. Lifestyle diseases are products of vices and other unhealthy doings. This could be smoking, drinking alcohol, eating junk, and so on. The numbers for these diseases continue to grow. In 2010,

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Gay App Users Are More Prone to Sexually Transmitted Diseases

June 17, 2014

There is a study that shows that gays who use smartphone apps to get a date are more prone to sexually transmitted diseases. A British journal published a report that says that men who are hunting for sexual partners on smartphone apps are more likely to catch the disease. Some of the apps mentioned were

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Dangerous Tropical Diseases Hit the US Due to Global Warming

June 14, 2014

New York – Two dangerous tropical diseases might just hit the United States because of the changes in the severe changes in the weather. These diseases are called chikungunya fever and dengue fever. Both are coming from mosquitoes that can only be seen in the tropical countries. Experts blame global warming for the spread of

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Cost of Autism in the UK Up to £32 Billion Per Year

June 11, 2014

New research has been conducted on the cost of autism and studies show that supporting someone with this condition is actually a lot more expensive than what was previously reported. For individuals who have the highest needs and require urgent care clinics, the cost reaches up to $2.4 million in the USA and £1.5 million

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Lyme Disease: What It Is and How You Can Treat It

June 2, 2014

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued an advice about ticks and how people should not let ticks get them sick. This warning was issued because we are in the tick months, which are June and July. This is the month when the symptoms of Lyme disease show up, so people who frequent the

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Wikipedia Is Highly Discouraged to Consult for Diseases

May 28, 2014

Health organizations are highly discouraging the use of Wikipedia, an Internet encyclopedia, because it can be filled with errors. People cannot be blamed for resorting to the Internet when they are trying to provide a quick fix on things. It is efficient and it could really give answers. Wikipedia, however, is not a highly suggested

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GAVI Alliance to Save 300 Million Children From More Diseases

May 23, 2014

The GAVI Alliance is out to help 300 million children from experiencing more diseases. Their target date is on 2020. They are going to do this by providing low-cost immunization programs. They will be starting in the developing countries to reach the said number. The entire program will require $7.5 billion. This is not yet

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