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Apple and the CDC Collaborate On Covid 19 Screening Tool Available For Concerned Individuals Seeking Answers

As local, state, and federal agencies are being swamped with inquiries from concerned citizens regarding testing and potential treatment centers for the Coronavirus, an unprecedented partnership between the CDC and Apple has brought the release of the COVID-19 screening tool. The user-friendly online screening tool or app is free and specifically designed to aid people by providing step by step accurate and up-to-date information on the Coronavirus and help people understand what to do next about their concerns or needs about COVID-19.

The CDC wants you to be informed and know the best practices for people seeking help for testing or treatment for the virus. The screening tool is very easy to use and will ask if you are using the tool for yourself or for someone else. The answers you give are not shared with Apple or the CDC without your permission. By using the tool you must agree to its terms which release Apple from any liability for harm as related to your using the screening tool, this simply means that the Apple screening tool recommendations provided do not constitute medical advice and should not be used to diagnose or treat medical conditions. This is a standard liability waiver agreement which most apps contain.

The first thing the screening tool will ask is if this is an emergency it will advise you to contact 911 if you are experiencing any of the following:

  • Severe, constant chest pain or pressure
  • Extreme difficulty breathing
  • Severe, constant lightheadedness
  • Serious disorientation or unresponsiveness

If your situation or that of someone you’re caring for is not an emergency the tool will ask you to answer some questions about your; age, symptoms, pre-existing health conditions if any, contact you may have had with others that are/may be infected with the Coronavirus, whether or not you have had any recent international travel destinations, if you live in or visited an area with a widespread COVID-19 infection outbreak, and whether you live or work in a healthcare facility.

Once you have answered these basic questions and based on your responses the screening tool will provide you with clear and concise next step recommendations which include; whether or not you need to be tested for Coronavirus as well as guidance as to how and where you can accomplish this, isolation recommendations, social distancing recommendations, and guidance on using the screening tool for follow up instructions.

This tool is an important means for you to help yourself and your community by clearly knowing your status, informing you on how not to endanger others to exposure, and providing you with clear cut recommendations as to appropriate steps to take so as to reserve care for those that are truly in need.

According to Apple and the CDC, by using this tool you are doing your very important part to help stop COVID-19. Again, it is critically important to note that this information is not shared with anyone or any entity without your expressed agreement. The information collected by this screening tool will not personally identify you.