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Annual Fundraising Drive to Sustain SNS Programs

Hickory, North Carolina – The annual fundraising drive of the Senior Nutrition Services of Catawba County is on the way as it will help fund the Meals on Wheels, and other health and nutrition-related programs in the county.

The Catawba County Social Services’ Senior Nutrition Services (SNS) division operates the Meals on Wheels, Seniors Morning Out, Nutritional Supplement, and the Frozen Meals programs. Every program has been designed in providing the seniors with several options, offering them an urgent care near me facility to stay in their homes as much as possible. Every program has also served as an urgent care clinic for the seniors.

SNS supervisor Jan Shaffer said the division has been relying heavily on donations from churches, civic groups, local residents, and businesses so as to fund the program. She emphasized her high hopes that the community will donate the gift of meals to the seniors during the holiday season.

Annual Fundraising Drive to Sustain SNS ProgramsAs part of the annual fundraising drive the supervisor said any donation of any amount would be appreciated. She explained that a $21 donation can pay for the one-week meal of one senior, while $91 can pay for the entire month and $1,092 for the whole year of meals. The 2013-2014 fiscal years, there were total of 1,539 seniors who were served through the programs.

The Meals on Wheels provides urgent care to seniors, delivering 5 meals every week to those unable to shop or prepare food, and for those without someone to do such task. The delivery takes almost two hours throughout Meals on Wheels route, done by volunteers, with a volunteer who can help at least a day in a month, thus, more volunteers are asked to help.

Additionally, Frozen Meals are also delivered to Meals on Wheels qualifiers, but to those far from the usual Meals on Wheels route. The Frozen meals are typically picked up by a relative, volunteer, or a friend of the senior on a monthly basis. The Nutritional Supplement Program, on the other hand, is also a monthly delivery, providing a case of Ensure or Boost to the senior, but must obtain a doctor’s note. The annual fundraising drive also keeps the Seniors Morning Out program alive, operating 4 mornings every week.

Throughout the county, seniors can access 5 sites as their urgent care clinics, meeting up to enjoy activities, while eating hot and balanced lunch. The annual fundraising drive is expected to sustain the different programs since none of it is income-based, and to keep the seniors connected with the community as they show improvement in their health.