Blog Articles

Wearable Gadgets Could Possibly Be the Key to Eliminate Medicine

July 3, 2014

Washington – Wearable gadgets have become a common trend today. A lot of them are promising so many features. Some are even promising that they could already eliminate the use of medicine for the obese people. This is because these gadgets show the different activities done by a person in a day. This means that

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Acne Products Get a Warning from FDA Due to Major Allergic Risks

July 3, 2014

Maryland, United States – The Food and Drug Administration sent out a warning for the public to know about the major allergic risks when using acne products. These products usually have salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide on them. These ingredients, when not compatible to a person’s body, can cause severe allergic reactions. They are so

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UK Health Groups Ask to Put Taxes on Sugar to Limit Obesity Cases

July 2, 2014

London, United Kingdom – Do not be surprised to see the prices of sweet products to rise as there are already provisions to increase the taxes on sugar. This is from the request of the different health organizations in the United Kingdom. According to their research, sugar consumption is very crucial when it comes to

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Sleep Deprivation Increases Risk to Severe Health Problems

July 2, 2014

Sleep deprivation does not just cause grumpiness. Experts say that it can also lead to other major health problems. These are not just petty cases that can easily be cured by an urgent care clinic. These diseases require a more tedious attention. Among them are depression, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and a whole

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Poor Nutrition Balance Can Easily Result to Early Grey Hairs

July 1, 2014

Studies show that poor nutrition could easily lead to premature greying of hair. Now that more and more hair products are released to blacken the hair, it is important to know what causes the problem. It also showed that along with poor nutrition, treating the thyroid poorly can also be a cause. This is not

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Poor Equipment Choices Can Cause Health Problems to Photographers

July 1, 2014

New health tips for photographers now include carrying the right equipment. This could just spell the difference between a day off and a day well spent. They have been stressing out on the importance of good habits during photography, as well. A lot of professionals in this field have accumulated injuries due to their carelessness.

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Pig Parasite Could Be Key to Get Away from Auto-Immune Diseases

June 30, 2014

Experts from 15 different countries grouped together to study what a pig parasite can do to treat auto-immune diseases. After series of studies and research, it could result to a good treatment for these types of diseases. Among the diseases that could be cured using the worm found in pigs are multiple sclerosis and inflammatory

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Microsoft Takes Another Chance At Its HealthVault Platform

June 30, 2014

Health gadgets continue to make a name in the health department as the HealthVault Platform from Microsoft gets another chance to shine. There have been several tech companies who have blatantly showed their interests in improving the health sector. This time, another company is going at it. It is not the first time for Microsoft

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Long-Term Unemployment Could Easily Result to Depression

June 29, 2014

New York City, New York – Economy is not the only aspect affected when there is long-term unemployment. Studies showed that it also results to higher rates of depression. Those who are commonly affected by depression are those who are not employed in the past six months. Out of all those who were diagnosed with

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Health Insurance Companies Refuse to Cover Up for Expensive Drugs

June 29, 2014

Washington – Health insurance companies have been very reluctant with their goal to minimize their participation in covering for unreasonably priced drugs. The prices for drugs have never become friendlier. They are always going up. Even urgent care clinics have to depend on drugs that are not too friendly to the pockets. Instead of ignoring

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Government Will Take a Closer Look at Pot Brownies Content

June 28, 2014

Denver, Colorado – Food safety is the top priority of the government as they start looking closer at the content of pot brownies. There have been several instances where marijuana is not the only content of the pot brownies. There are occasions where other illegal drugs are put into the mixture. This is made more

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Gluten-Free Diets Are Actually More Harmful than Helpful

June 28, 2014

Brisbane, Australia – Gluten-free diets or wheat-avoidance schemes could be more harmful than helpful for those who are trying it out. There is so much hype on gluten-free diets nowadays. This is due to the number of celebrities who are using it. Plus, at first look, it makes so much sense. Taking away the wheat

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